The fallout and the pain

by lola28 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • lola28

    I got an email back from an elder this morning and it looks like the BOE is going to treat my email as a letter of disassociation. He said he was sad but would forward my email to the congregation that currently has my publishers card. This wonderful elder also took the liberty of calling a brother that I’m really close to and told him about my email, he also sent him a copy (this brother is not an elder!). It upset me so much that this man had to hear about this from someone other than myself.

    I am waiting to hear from the other elders to see if they will be making an announcement. I hope they tell me before they do so, at least then I will have some time to call a few people up and let them know what’s going to happen, so it does not hit them as a surprise.

    I feel so sad and numb. Everything I have believed in for years has turned out to be a lie; the people that I love and care about will be forced to choose to either be faithful to their god or have a relationship with me. I know what they will choose.

    I know that I am doing the right thing, but I don’t understand why it hurts so much.


  • Purza
    I know that I am doing the right thing, but I don’t understand why it hurts so much.

    Because of the years of programming you endured. I am very sorry for the pain you are feeling. It does take some time for the whole thing to sink in and you just cant "get over it" overnight. I think we live in the same town? Feel free to PM me if you ever want to get together. Even if it is just to vent.


  • Dismembered


    Sorry to hear you feel numb. Those feelings are normal and will subside. Soon you'll be happy again though. Think of it, now you're free from their Draconian teachings.


  • Mary
    I got an email back from an elder this morning and it looks like the BOE is going to treat my email as a letter of disassociation.

    Funny, I didn't see anything in your email saying you wanted to be disassociated. You simply asked them not to call on you for a while, and not to call on you at work (which they're not supposed to do anyway). I guess it depends on what you want Lola. I understand about the hurt and pain of realizing that everything we believed in was a lie because I've gone through it and continue to go through it to this day.

    Well, at least you've got us here on the board; you're not alone.



  • candidlynuts

    hugs lola.. i didnt see anything in that letter that said you were disassociating yourself.

    shame on them!

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi lola, so sorry that you are feeling this way. It is a normal way to feel when you find out the truth about the wts, and it will only be temporary, I can assure you. Like other posters, I also didn't see anything in your email that implied you wanted to da, but we are looking at things objectively, whereas jws aren't able to do that. Maybe they are just trying to scare you into admitting your feelings to them, I wouldn't put that past them at all.

    Whatever happens, you know you have friends on here who will never desert you.



  • Elsewhere
    I got an email back from an elder this morning and it looks like the BOE is going to treat my email as a letter of disassociation. He said he was sad but would forward my email to the congregation that currently has my publishers card. This wonderful elder also took the liberty of calling a brother that I’m really close to and told him about my email, he also sent him a copy (this brother is not an elder!).

    Sounds like a violation of Clergy Privilege to me.

  • looking_glass

    Lola, did you label your letter confidential or clergy privilege? If so, it is a violation of privilege and you should contact those jokers and tell them if they forward your letter to anyone else and or discuss anything within the letter, they will be violating Caesar's law so knock it off.

  • SickofLies

    Screw that I say sue the bastards for violating your rights and slandering your name.

  • merfi

    Big ((((hugs)))) lola. I've been following this for quite some time and have felt your pain. WTS sucks, no doubt. And it's so frustrating that people in it choose loyalty to a man-made idol over family and friendship ties.

    Hang in there.


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