In ref. to child abuse

by jw 93 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • jw

    Ok all time to get real. Child abuse is not limited to Jw's.

    If you truly want to stop child abuse first start with the family , and be honest we all have a relative that is a pedophile.

    Then protect your family from stranger danger.

    Don't just isolate to Jw's.

    Expand and truly stop the child abuse world wide.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Hi Jw,

    Believe me you are not the first person to have said this.

    I think that a good number of us aren't so naive to believe that child abuse only exists within the organization.

    The difference, if you have not figured it out already, is that the policies within the org has both created a sort of haven for pedophiles and punished the victims.

    In the same sense that I'm sure there are probably online forums for people who have survived abuse within any other religion (try googling it) to come together to support one another, this forum provides a place for people to come together to heal and to support one another.

    It also provides a place where people can come and get solid information on the latest news re: the jws and child abuse.

    You made some good points about preventing child abuse. Perhaps you should visit

    There is some specific information on the 'symptoms' of child abuse and ways that a community can deal with it.

    glad you are here to inform yourself

  • lovelylil


    That is true because my dad was not a Jehovahs Witness. But as a mother who was molested, I did everything I could to protect my children by teaching them about strangers and watching them where ever they were. But what niether me nor my husband counted on was that in the "spiritual paradise" in "gods only true organization" that my son would be allowed to go to the bathroom, where he would be vunerable, with his Pants down, alongside a man who was called a "brother" in good standing and was jailed on numerous occasions for child rape and sodomy. And, that the elders knew of it and reinstated him three times, and did not let any of the families in the hall know that this predator was in there. They were more concerned with keeping up the appearance that we had a clean congregation. If one older sister, who knew truth about this man, had not come forward we would have remained in the dark.

    Now jw, let me ask you since you feel you have the truth and all: If someone like this was in the Isrealite nation, what would Jehovah do about it? Would he allow this person to remain in good standing?

    Thank Jehovah that nothing happened to my child because if it did, either my hubby or I would have been jailed for hurting or killing this predator along with the elder who did not protect our children. And one more thing: this elder had a child too, a young boy. His son was protected because he knew this mans past but he let all the other children go to the restroom with this man, and no parents. Becuase if you have kids (which I doubt because you sound too imature), then you would know that a 7 year old wants to be a big boy and go to the rest room alone.

    Do you think that this elder did the right thing? do you think Jehovah would agree with his actions for not protecting the young lambs in the org?

    Right after leaving this hall, we went to one a few miles away and guess what?. .....................The elders there were keeping secret another pedophile too. Thank god I am out and my children are safe. The Org. is evil thru and thru and they have NO backing by God.

  • looking_glass

    No one here is throwing stones at the WTBTS and looking the other way when they see other abuse victims. People here are active in participating in changing the legal system, protecting the victims and pursuing and punishing the criminals.

    And to act like JWs do not hind behind their religion to sheild themselves from guilt associated with this "don't tell policy" you are very wrong. I have seen it happen both within the congo and within the judicial system (wherein a JW elder explained in a deposition what the policy was for not turning in a molester "it was a congregational matter and was to be handled by the congregation. should the police investigate, the elders would not hinder the investigation, but they would not HELP either.").

    Rather then JWs being concerned about a bad witness, they should be concerned about COWARDS that lead their congregations. There are certain constants in the world, things at are WRONG one being molesting a child and the people who hide the acts of the molester to make themselves and/or their religion look better.

    How about you give us some examples of what you or people that are JWs have done to "expand and stop the child abuse world wide" because I can tell you right now, all I hear from active JWs is all the bad press they have gotten. Well guess what that is the same song that the Catholic Church sings and you know how Witnesses feel about them.

  • osmosis

    insular, sectarian groups like the JWs that do their best to appear holier-than-thou are particularly prone to this sort of abuse, that's a sociological fact.

    the emphasis on image creates a situation of denial, where people refuse to accept that so-and-so is a scumbag pedophile, and the victims are suppressed and otherwise punished for coming forward because they tarnish the image of the group.

    They have an attitude like that old SNL character, Fernando, who used to say, tis better to look good than to feel good.

  • Synergy


  • Synergy


  • Ingenuous
    and be honest we all have a relative that is a pedophile.

    Then protect your family from stranger danger.

    I don't have any relatives who are pedophiles. Neither do the majority of people I know. Being surrounded by a majority of people who have relatives who are known pedophiles - outside of a support community -seems to me to suggest some type of relationship dysfunction. I also hope that statement isn't an effort to "play down" the seriousness of the discovery of a pedophile - wherever they may be.

    While "stranger danger" is an important concept, having worked with sexually abused kids, I have to say that I didn't come across a single situation in my work where a child was abused by a stranger. It happens and is a real threat. All kids, however, need to learn about limits that anyone and everyone - even friends and family members - should respect and the need to communicate about a violation of those limits, no matter who crosses the line.

  • Synergy


    I know for a fact there are pedophiles and child molesters in EVERY RELIGION and in people who have no religion. Another fact, if I had been sexually abused by some "worldly person" in another religion, my parents would've made it public, made sure my preditor was prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Since he was a Jehovah's Witness, though, I got no justice. It was ok what the "brother" did to me. Hidden and excused. My parents were faced with expulsion from the congregation if they pressed charges. The people like you that like to make posts like you have here obviously didn't have happen to them as a six year old little girl what I had happen to me. I will excuse your ignorance as just that.


  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia

    You are right, sexual abuse is not limited to the JW's.

    Unfortunately in this society women and children have no value. I'm sure this will upset a lot of people.

    But you don't see child molesters getting put away for as long as murders because the victim/survivor is still alive, although there are probably days when they wish they weren't.

    If everytime a child was abused they hung the abuser from a tree in the town square it might be a deterrant (sp?). People get away with doing the most horrible things to the most vulnerable - women and children.

    Someone should try to protect and help no matter the religion.

    Best Regards,


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