What does it take to make my sister to stop shunning me? High Gas Prices!

by Elsewhere 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    I recently received a very odd email from my devout-JW sister who has been shunning me since 1998. It is that "The price of gas is too high so lets stop buying gas from Exxon and Mobil to start a price war" email. I'm sure many of you have seen it.

    Therefore, what does it take to make my JW sister stop shunning me? Simple: High gas prices!

    Is she *really* willing to risk her personal relationship with Jehover and her chance at attaining a perfect eternal life in a cleansed new earth just so she can save a few bucks at the gas pump???

  • Dune

    I say take whatever you can get, lol.

    Ask her if she wants to carpool maybe?

  • Robdar

    Maybe her computer has a virus and you got some of her email (and her virus) by accident.

  • Jim_TX

    You are reading too much into the e-mail from her...

    I believe - if I am correct - in that same e-mail, it says to send it on to 10 other people.

    Well... she only knows 9 - and you were number 10.


    Jim TX

  • BluesBrother

    Maybe her zeal and single mindedness is waning a little. Are not dubs still told to remain strictly neutral and refraun from commenting on political issues?

  • doinmypart

    "...ask her if she wants to carpool", that was funny.

    I'm surprised she has your e-mail address. She shuns you, but contacts you via e-mail. I know people that won't say two words to me in a conversation, but blow up my inbox with messages. Maybe she is holding out hope that you will return to the 'tower.

  • Elsewhere

    Here is my response : Nothing to be worried about. The world is just going through an Energy Transition (also known as a Energy Transformation). In the early 1800's the US used wood for most if its energy needs. by the end of the1800's the US used coal for most if its energy needs. The period of time in which people changed from one to the other is called an Energy Transition. Yes, it was difficult and expensive for the people to make the change, but in the end they were better for it. In the early 1900's the US started to use petroleum instead of coal. Once again the US had to go through a painful energy transition, but we survived and came out of the change better for it. Here we are at the beginning of the 2000's, once again faced with a new energy transition. It was inevitable and we will get through it, painful as it might be, better than we were before. In the past 50 years there were few alternatives to petroleum simply because they cost more than petroleum. Why aren't the automakers mass producing alternative fuel cars? Simple: It costs more to produce and handle alternative fuels than it does petroleum. HOWEVER, once the cost of petroleum products finally exceed the price of alternative fuel sources, the economy will make a very rapid shift toward to use of these alternative. Once enough people start using these new fuels, the laws of mass production will drive the prices down - ironically they will end up lower than petroleum is now. Yes, this is a very painful time for us all. It hurts when we fill up at the pump, but once the Energy Transition is over we will be far better off than we are now. We will have access to better fuels with less dependence on unstable regions of the world, more efficient vehicles and a more clean environment. http://www.mnforsustain.org/energy_in_the_united_states_1635-2000.htm

  • nsrn

    Maybe that is just a very tentative attempt at establishing contact with you?!?!?

  • Elsewhere
    Maybe that is just a very tentative attempt at establishing contact with you?!?!?

    I doubt it. Last year she needed some advice about telescope for her daughter. After I provided the information she needed I asked if her communicating with me meant that she was relaxing the shunning thing... nope! She got really pissed and "yelled" at me in the email for asking such a thing.

  • lonelysheep

    (I don't mean this to sound as bad as it probably does!) Maybe she's just makin sure you're still livin?

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