What does it take to make my sister to stop shunning me? High Gas Prices!

by Elsewhere 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Odrade

    Haha! very funny.

  • Jim_TX

    Sometimes folks seem to think that 'e-mails' are different than actually speaking to you in public.

    I think... with her attitude... I might try to do an 'e-mail block' on her addy. Make sure it's one that bounces the e-mails back to her. (Sorta a 'reverse shunning', I suppose)

    This way... the only way that she can contact you is 'in person' - or by regular snail mail.


    Jim TX

  • Dismembered

    Greetings Elsewhere

    Perhaps you've already done this. Tell her to go to hell. High gas prices are part of the "composite sign" that "The End" is just around the corner. She should be rejoicing, not belly-aching.


  • Elsewhere
    (I don't mean this to sound as bad as it probably does!) Maybe she's just makin sure you're still livin?

    I doubt it. She has access to the "grape vine". One phone call and she can get what she needs from someone else. A few months ago I was permitted to attend my grand mother's funeral. That was plenty opportunity for everyone to get the scoop on me.

  • damselfly

    Maybe she just cc your name on the email by mistake?

    My ex-husband broke it off with a crazy girl we knew and stopped taking her phone-calls etc as she became very stalker-ish and off balanced,. But then he accidently cc her on an mass email that described the new city and country he was moving to. LMAO for days when he told me that.


  • Elsewhere
    Perhaps you've already done this. Tell her to go to hell. High gas prices are part of the "composite sign" that "The End" is just around the corner. She should be rejoicing, not belly-aching.

    lol... naaa, my strategy is very simple: No flaming arrows will come from me, but I am collecting all of the flaming arrows that come from my family. I keep them all in a nice display case for all the world to see.

  • Elsewhere
    Maybe she just cc your name on the email by mistake?

    My ex-husband broke it off with a crazy girl we knew and stopped taking her phone-calls etc as she became very stalker-ish and off balanced,. But then he accidentally cc her on an mass email that described the new city and country he was moving to. LMAO for days when he told me that.


    Yes! I have been wondering the very same thing!

    Perhaps, immediately after she pressed [Send], my sister said: DOAH!!!!

  • Dismembered


    I could/should learn from your example


  • damselfly
    Perhaps, immediately after she pressed [Send], my sister said: DOAH!!!!

    Accompanied by this face

    gotta love crazy sisters that won't talk to us. I haven't talked to one of mine since '99. Not even at my brother's wedding this past summer. Everyone else in the family did except for her.


  • Mary
    Is she *really* willing to risk her personal relationship with Jehover and her chance at attaining a perfect eternal life in a cleansed new earth just so she can save a few bucks at the gas pump???

    I dunno.......sounds like she's turning 'postate......tell her that her contacting you bothers your conscience and you feel compelled to report her to the Circuit Overseer.

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