Buttlight, next time you're in the area, give me a call. I'll show ya.
!!!!!!!!!! New Elder Video !!!!!!!!!!!!!
by SickofLies 91 Replies latest watchtower scandals
ha ha!! Well I knew it was gonna be ugly and it was!!! Hilarious. Reminded me of a Michael Moore documentary. I think you have a career in gonzo journalism ahead of you. You need to post the whole deal on a separate webpage, maybe with a link from freeminds.org. Same goes for Richie, both your stories should be heavily publicized.
Good to go bravo mate you are my hero!
BTW threatening to call the police and accusing the victim/subject of causing a "disturbance" is exactly what the Rockland Massachusetts Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses elders did to me in 1992.
I suspect that this is A.O.P.protocol that they learn at the elder school seminars it is too much of a coincidence that our cases are so similiar.
Yes,the Watchtower holds special elder AOP seminars on how to fuck you over.--Danny Haszard
I am designing a website now with all my favorite quotes from the phone calls and the hearings, I will E-mail it to Randy when I'm done as well as post it on quad-central server. The site will use improved recordings that people have enhanced as well as the compress WMA files. There will be links to all the discussion on this fourm as well as others. Also there will be links to other media sources that show my files as they come up (this is in the works!!). Look for my new website later tonight!
BTW, I am also going to convert the video to streaming MPG format to make it easier for people to see.
I suspect that this is A.O.P.protocol ;that ;they learn at the elder school seminars it is ;too much of a coincidence that our cases are so similiar.
Yes,the Watchtower holds special elder AOP seminars on how to fuck you over.--Danny Haszard
Could you provide any more info on this?? Sounds interesting.
you were in my thoughts and prayers all night. Glad you are o.k. I was worried about you! I am having trouble watching the video and am not that good with computers but I will see in when you convert it over.
I just wanted to say that last night the video crashed my computer pretty badly, and it is the first time it has ever happened since I got the computer in November. It happened when I tried to do a screen capture.
SOL....So that small room with the podium and rows of chairs is not the hall itself but the basement? Why is it designed as another meeting room?
SOL....So that small room with the podium and rows of chairs is not the hall itself but the basement? Why is it designed as another meeting room?
Thats where the second school is done. -
At the elder schools and occasionally at elders meeting with CO, they remind elders how to handle disturbances.
If it is during a meeting, they ask the person to leave informing him/her that their implied invitation has been revoked (or something to that effect) please leave. If the person stays they call the police and tell them the same thing "So-and-so is causing a disturbance and their implied invitation has been revoked and charged with tresspassing"...that is the basic thought.
Elders are told not to touch the person, unless the person is violent and then the elder or person being attacked can defend themself.
With that said, I am surprised they touched you and your property since you weren't violent.
you were in my thoughts and prayers all night. Glad you are o.k. I was worried about you! I am having trouble watching the video and am not that good with computers but I will see in when you convert it over.
Thank you, seriously the support people have shown for me during this project is very touching. I really appreachate it. Having people actually dirve down to be with me and give me support has meant a lot. This project has already has a big impact in that both my parents have heard it and are going to DA because of the actions the elders took. Also my mom has been talking to her JW friends and it looks like they will be doing the same thing.
Lady Liberty and family, thanks for all your support and your research work, I hope my project has help you guy prepare for however you guys are going to deal with this situation.
God Bless you all!