lol, that was funny. "We`re having you charged for...uh....violating our rights". Yeah right. They probably actually believe that they have the right to walk all over people, poking around in peoples private lives the way they do. Damn psychopaths. They looked like they wanted to physically attack you, well, if they hadn`t been such pussies, that is.
!!!!!!!!!! New Elder Video !!!!!!!!!!!!!
by SickofLies 91 Replies latest watchtower scandals
SoL- aka Dan THE MAN!
I've been on this website everyday since I first came across your initial recording to get follow ups & to see how you & your folks are doing. You have no idea how much you & the others in this forum are such an inspiration! I am so proud of you for not allowing yourself to treated like a punkb*tch by those powertripping dorks. Thanks for the expose' of the wt bull$h*t & especially for using independent thinking . It's mental how the borg takes something innocent like "independent thinking" & gives it a negative connotation. My best to you & your family!
Welcome to the board Saru!
What I find funny is, why do not the news organizations like Dateline, 20/20, etc. get sued for doing undercover reporting? Many times over they have used "covert" recordings in their shows. Hidden cameras, microphones; whatever it takes to get the story. I suppose if 20/20 decided to run a 2 year long undercover expose on the WTS -- having a person become baptized and then df'd -- to see what the consequences were, would the elders have reacted the same when they were told of the expose? I'm sure they would have all left and said 'no comment.'
That would be an awesome series. Have a news organization infiltrate several 'cult-like' religions over a couple year period and then try to leave those religions and see how the various organizations treat the individuals. And in each case, use the same method for leaving -- such as asking too many questions about the religion's leaders or doctrines. I would pay a lot of money to Pay-Per-View to see that.
Dan that is so wild and gutsy!!
Good for you!!!!!!!!!!
Randy has update Freeminds with the lastest website I designed for him, check it out!
Also I'm back up again on the front page on Net Soup!
At the end the elders ask if the meeting is being recorder and ask him 'do you want to get in a war with us?' 'If this recording is being used for clandestine purposes you are in a heap of trouble'.
Ooooooh.......scaaaarrrreeeeeee...............does he think he's Don Corleone or something? Gee, I can't imagine why the cops just didn't swarm down on you when they got "the call". After all, secretly recording a church meeting where you're getting kicked out because you're questioning the doctrines, must be really high up on the list of priorities down at the Station.
What a bunch of idiots!! Way ta go SOL!!!i don't get why they were covering their faces, it makes them look like total idiots
They're afraid the videotape is going to download onto the internet and called "ELDERS GONE WILD!!!" and they didn't want to be recognized.
DannyHaszard Check it out, still a work in progress, but this is my new webpage layout I'm working on.
Well done i will link to my page-Danny Haszard
The WTS are just another brick in the wall
Tear down the wall, tear down the wall, SOL is watching it fall