It's funny they threaten to call the police WHO USE GUNS AND NIGHTSTICKS ON PEOPLE (or capsicum spray, they do that in Australia now...)
The guy on the left wanted to knock your block off man! The other elders should have pulled him away to prevent potential violence. You could have had him charged if he was going to punch you in the face! They didn't act Christian... I don't they could have used a bit of Bible counselling for setting matters straight rather than go at you like maniacs. I am surprised of how similar that looks to my old Kingdom Hall even though I am in Australia. I've forgotten how how boring the old shacks look! Just my 5 cents.
!!!!!!!!!! New Elder Video !!!!!!!!!!!!!
by SickofLies 91 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I can't understand why they would want to block the camera -- WHAT HAVE THEY GOT TO HIDE! Even if it is SOL in there with them... PEACE OUT GUYS!
Why does your kingdom hall look so tiny? Are there only four or five rows?!
James Free
OK, so it went much as expected. As usual, no prayers, no scriptures. These people are speaking for God? Yeah, right.
They will be even more convinced they 'have the Truth' now, since any dissenting antics are seen as evidence of persecution and ungodliness in others. You are now history, and there were no tears shed by them. The shepherds lost a lamb, but there is no sadness. A brotherhood of 'intense love'? Get real!
So now move on with your life. Everytime someone asks about your mom on these forums you don't answer the enquirer. She stood by you and she deserves your support. Although this has played out like a game, you must not lose sight of things, especially when the adrenaline rush subsides.
I couldn't understand the purpose of your doing this video and couldn't figure out shy they didn't want to be filmed. I mean they were behaving like they were about to be exposed over something they had done wrong.
What was the purpose of your mission? -
When the elders said, "You're causing a disturbance", I think it was the other way around. They were the ones causing a disturbance. Gee, even in Russia these days, you can take pictures !!!
I remember a time about 15 years ago, when I used to go to the meetings regularly, the meetings were not only recorded, but there was also a camera filming. That camera was in the back and the brother operating it would sometimes zoom on someone in the audience. I guess that they made these for those who weren't able to go the meetings, and then could watch it at home.
But what I'm getting to, is that if it's ok for them to record a meeting (Audio and Video), why can't anyone else go into the Kingdom Hall and do the same?
I couldn't understand the purpose of your doing this video ....
You're joking right? Here's 4 words........ shining LIGHT into DARKNESS.
Not joking,
what light what darkness? It's not likely that they were going to discuss who to molest the child.