The Increasing Degradation of Women in the Watchtower Society.

by Dogpatch 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    from Towerwatcher: The Increasing Degradation of Women in the Watchtower Society. The lifestyle of a woman as one of Jehovah's Witnesses is certainly not an easy job. It is a well known fact that most of the work that takes place within the Watchtower Society contributing to its success, is due to the backbone of the Watchtower which can be described as the women in the congregation. Some years ago, Jehovah's Witness women had the privilege of being able to elect a lieutenant and secretary-treasurer. A privilege that they do not have today. Increasingly, all the privileges held within the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses, rest solely upon the shoulders of the men and it doesn't seem as if that law is going to change. The 1975 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses p.85 states, quote: Also stepped up was a new activity started prior to C. T. Russell’s death. Called the “Pastoral Work,” it was a forerunner of the return visits now made by Jehovah’s Christian witnesses. In Russell’s time this activity was limited to about 500 congregations that had voluntarily elected him as their pastor. In a letter to these he described the undertaking as “an important Follow-up Work possible in connection with addresses received at Public Meetings, DRAMA Exhibitions, from Colporteur Lists, etc.—persons who supposedly have some interest in religious matters and who presumably would be more or less amenable to the Truth.” Women in the congregation who were interested in performing this work elected one of their number to serve as a lieutenant and another as secretary-treasurer. A city was divided into territorial districts, assigned to individual sisters who called on all whose names had been supplied as interested persons. The callers loaned books, which could be read and studied by the borrower. A scan of page 85 of the 1975 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses can be observed here, and please note the last paragraph!

    This privilege of electing a "lieutenant" and "secretary-treasurer" by the "women" in the Jehovah's Witness congregations, does not exist today within the Watchtower Society. So, the rights and privileges of women down through the years have diminished. While the work load for the women in the Watchtower Society has remained the same, or even increased through time, their privileges have decreased. It is a shame to realize that there are many women in the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses who are responsible for taking care of a home, working part or full time, have children to care for, meetings to attend 3 times a week, attend conventions, personal study to handle, clean the Kingdom Halls, and several other tasks expected of them; only to have their privileges actually decrease instead of increase as time goes on. Makes a person wonder what kind of "future" there is for the rights of women in the Watchtower Society. A person can clearly see that if the women within the Watchtower Society were to go on strike from the exhaustion they experience, they could shut down the entire organization due to the work they accomplish on their own!
  • Amazing1914


    Excellent post. It seems strange that in the late 19th and early 20th century women in the Watchtower organization had more rights, while in the rest of the United States, women did not have the right to vote until around 1920. Today, women in society have equalized pretty much every aspect of their lives along side men, and it won't be long before they have completely addressed everything possible.

    I can recall as a JW how the Watchtower continuously published articles about headship, and emphasized this over and over again through talks and "counseling." I well remember how the Society leaders would, on one hand, demand that women put the conventions and assemblies first for their families and not be overly concerned about mundane things at home. Then, while these same women were at the assemblies, turn right around and ask the women if their "loyalty" moved them to make sure that their homes were clean, beds made, and dishes washed so that they could be at the conventions in good conscience.

    My wife would look at me and ask why these guys were demanding so much, and wondered if they could handle the load. I agreed with her, and told her not to let these talks bother her. I have no doubt that a lot of other JWs just turned a deaf ear to the nonsense. But, I can't help but wonder about those who took it all in and actually tried to live up to an impossible standard. While my wife was not pressured by me to keep up as demanded, and I helped more as I realized how she was burdened, the only real relief came when we both left the Watchtower Slave Driving Society.

    If the Watchtower really wanted to live up to the Bible, they would read and study Paul's words where he said that there is no distinction between male and female, for all are the same before God, and get off their false understanding of so-called headship.

    Jim Whitney

  • Mary

    The words "women" and "Rights" simply don't exist in the same sentence in Dubdumb Land. It's still a Good Ol' Boys Club that think women are second class citizens and must be kept down so that they "remember their place".

  • Genesis

    I used to read 1 Corinthians 14:34 to my mother to tease her LoL, she had nothing to answer !

    "34 let the women keep silent in the congregations, for it is not permitted for them to speak, but let them be in subjection, even as the Law says."


  • Shazard

    But Yes, woman have to be obidient to men and do not keep their skirts so long unwashed.
    BTW who can trust somebody who bleeds 5 days and does not die. :)

  • carla

    Isn't cleaning toilets and such considered a privilege? I thought some guy here at one time was 'removed' from that particular privilege, I guess he wasn't good enough to clean the toilets. Now if they were normal people, all the people who need to be reproved or disciplined in some way would have to clean the hall, mow the lawn, shovel, etc...

    Brother/Sister, for your lack of attention at the last meeting and the gossip of someone seeing you check out a National Geographic with pornographic pictures you will be delegated to cleaning the toilets for the next six months. If, after that time you show true repentance your toilet cleaning job will be transferred to Brother Jones who....

  • looking_glass

    I wrote a paper on JWs and how they treat women. The funniest part was that I would call the WTBTS and get their info dept. and this kid was really nice and he helped me out all the time. I think after a few calls people figured out what was going on and he could no longer help me. I found it interesting that he never agreed nor disagreed with me, but he gave me all kinds of great info that painted a pretty ugly pic of the JWs after Taze's day. The history I found was that Taze's wife had a lot of influence and did a lot. But then the Judge came along and that all changed. I think that was why the Judge was referred to as a woman hater.

  • blondie

    Women back then had many "rights" because many congregations were made up of only women. I doubt that those women could have selected/elected a woman if there had been baptized males in the congregation. But all baptized members of the congregation did elect the elders, and women did vote in that process.

    In the 1960's I was in a congregation that had few/no qualified men. Only baptized males were young teenagers and spiritually irregular. The WTS put a sister in charge of all the paperwork, accounts, etc., while she feverishly trained a 17-year old. The WTS finally induced a special pioneer couple to move in. Still this sister had to moderate a book study, take the "lead" in field service in the constipated way the WTS requires women to do so.


  • lovelylil


    thanks for the information. Hope you are feeling well.


    Nice post. I agree with you. I used to be totally furious at how women in our congregation were treated and you know what, we WOMEN were out in field service much more often as the "brothers" and had to conduct our own service meetings and at one time held 95% of all the bible studies that were done. I remember one pioneer sister who had about 10 studies and asked several elders to take a few off her hands that were with men, they all turned her down because they were too busy to do it? Yeah right, more like not interested, not spiritual, or just lazy.

  • DannyHaszard

    The wimpy Watchtower cult leaders degraded my grandmothers,my disabled mother,both my sisters,my aunts,nieces.

    Women ARE biologically superior to men.How so: (1) Women have a longer life expectancy than men,there are more widows than widowers
    This is due in part to(A) The protective effects of estrogen which helps protect against hardening of the arteries.

    (B) Women have "more stored fat" than men so they often live longer than men in a famine.

    (C)Women have a slightly greater organ redundancy than men,because they procreate.

    (2) Baby girls are'smarter' and thrive better than baby boys up to one year old because testosterone inhibits brain development.
    " Women are sugar and spice and everything nice"

    I LOVE women God bless you all.

    I wish you sweet success and many joys.Cheers,Danny Haszard Bangor Maine USA

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