Still pointing your Finger when having a Rafter in your eye?

by DocHouse 245 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Splash
    NO truth is in the RCC at ALL

    I already gave you an example of where the RCC found truth before the GB did, but if you want to lie, ignore facts and live in denial then I'm not going to try to stop you. It's only yourself you're deceiving and being untrue too, so fill your boots.

    If I'm wrong then refute my statement about the "superior authorities" being identified correctly by the RCC decades before your idols copied them.

    I know you won't, because your arguments are superficial and you have no depth. You are told what to believe and you lap it up no matter how ridiculous it is. You cannot answer cofty because he understands what he speaks about, while you need the WT to speak your mind for you.

    Right now you can't see how blind and pitiable you are, but I'm sure you will heal in time, especially if you stick around here and learn to think once again.


  • LoveUniHateExams

    DocHouse - I mentioned the other religions because the WTS has, throughout its history, loudly and persistently attacked the Catholic church whilst staying remarkably silent on the subject of atrocities committed in the name of other religions, Islam in particular. You've yet to properly address why this is so.

    Large areas of the globe do not get JWs knocking on their doors. If Armageddon happened tomorrow, what would happen to the hundreds of millions of decent, ordinary folk in China, India, Pakistan, N. Korea, Saudi Arabia, etc who are ignorant of WTS? As the apostle Paul said, how would any honest-hearted ones know the truth without somebody to preach it to them?  


  • galaxie 2
    galaxie 2

    Doc house;...if you let your views be known in the kh to the elders or your bros  and sisters as you have done here, what would be the result?

    Imo you would be shown the door , all approved by the loving hand of jehovah.

    Go on I dare you !

  • DocHouse

    Cofty, thank you for telling me how I feel about my Lord & King.

    Splash- I was referring to what they teach about God & Christ.

    LoveUni- it's enough of a battle trying to straighten out all the lies within lies from Churchianity than to do so with all the other religions. We do so as we MEET the people believing them. It's likely impossible to reach EVERY human on earth- so we know when the appointed time finally comes- that Christ will know how to judge those that wasn't.

    Galaxe- all my close friend know my views; I'm on no mission to promote them and cause division.

    1 Cor 1:10- Now I beseech you, brethren, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing and that there be no divisions among you....

  • coalize
    Scientific facts PROVE Creation

    To write the verb in uppercase don't make it true...

  • coalize
    Those religions are complete fabrications.

    I agree with you... But don't forget yours too...

  • DocHouse

    Only for emphasis. Never could understand such touchiness over a few capped words....

  • Splash

    Keep reading DocHouse... 1 Cor 1:12 What I mean is this, that each one of you says "I belong to Paul", " but I to Appollos", "but I to Cephas", " but I to Christ".

    Despite what Christ says, you say "I belong to the WT", "but I to the GB", "but I to".

    You do as you are told by these men and not by what Christ tells you, otherwise you would reread the verse you just quoted and apply it to yourself first.

    Ironic really, seeing as this thread is about having a rafter in your eye.


  • Finkelstein

    1 Cor 1:10- Now I beseech you, brethren, through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing and that there be no divisions among you....

    As long as you immerse in the true teachings of Christ and not the false teachings of men.

    1 John 4:1

    Test the Spirits

    Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.

  • galaxie 2
    galaxie 2

    Doc house ; seem to have no problem promoting your views here?

    You  quote 1 cor 1 : 10 which endorses speaking the  ' same thing ' to avoid division how do you equate your views which are known to your close friends as the ' same thing ' if they are only for their ears. This sounds to me like you are actually going counter to the advice of 1 cor 1 : 10.?

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