Comments from "30 Years a Watchtower Slave" that surprised me.....

by AK - Jeff 44 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • diamondblue1974
    “Born in Jersey City, New Jersey, in 1905 . . . taken by his parents on a trip to their homeland, Germany, and there stranded by the outbreak of World War I . . . from Lutheran parentage, was converted in that church at an early age . . . in gratitude for God’s protection during WWI resolved to spend his life in God’s service . . . associated with the Bible Students, and with them fell under the sway of the Watch Tower Society under the direction of the ambitious new president, Judge Rutherford . . . employed in the headquarters of the German branch of the Watch Tower Society at Magdeburg . . . as Service Director helped subjugate the German Bible Students to the Society’s dictatorial rule . . . helped organize the work in Germany, Poland and Czechoslovakia . . . disgusted with the procedure and inner workings of the Society, he emigrated to the United States in 1927 . . . re-entered the Society’s employ as Pioneer in 1933 . . . became Company Servant then Unit Servant in Manhattan . . . placed in charge of the Pioneer desk in the Service Department at the Society’s New York headquarters . . . became Exactor (or Zone Servant) of Zone 1 (Northeastern Ohio and Northwestern Pennsylvania). . . helped foment riots in Hubbard, Ohio, and elsewhere, and fought in more than five hundred court battles, some even to the United States Supreme Court . . . was ordained a “minister” by Watch Tower Society, baptized 463 new converts, and organized about eighty-four congregations . . . came to a growing realization of the error of the Watch Tower Society as he returned to personal prayer and study of God’s Word . . . in 1954 returned to a life of freedom in Christ through an agonized night of soul struggle and prayer.”

    Just average rank and file then lol

    Might read his book...although I do prefer a dispassionate approach rather than an author with an axe to grind...will let you know when I have read it though.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    DB1974 - looks like it is still in print - I'm surprised - the one I have is at least 30 years old and quite worn. I found it for 11 bucks here;


  • looking_glass

    Per A-1914's request, set forth is the following information regarding JWs' and the Supreme Court as well as all Federal and State Courts wherein JWs cases have been made cited.

    I performed a search from 1940 thru the present. 77 hits showed cases pending before the Supreme Court between 1940 and 2006 that addressed issues directly related to JWs or citing prior case law involving JWs. I was unable to search anything past 1940, as said search was deemed too expensive to pursue.

    History on the court is "The Court's case load has increased steadily to a current total of more than 7,000 cases on the docket per Term. The increase has been rapid in recent years. In 1960, only 2,313 cases were on the docket, and in 1945, only 1,460. Plenary review, with oral arguments by attorneys, is granted in about 100 cases per Term. Formal written opinions are delivered in 80-90 cases. Approximately 50-60 additional cases are disposed of without granting plenary review. The publication of a Term's written opinions, including concurring opinions, dissenting opinions, and orders, approaches 5,000 pages. Some opinions are revised a dozen or so more times before they are announced." In other words, the Supreme Court does not take every case that is sent up for petition. Said information can be found at Additionally, an individual is able to perform a limited search on this site and will also pull up documents/cases involving JWs.

    Within the Federal case search parameters, 1106 hits appeared. I did not read each and every case that either involved JWs or the WTBTS or that cited prior cases involving JWs or the WTBTS. Within the Lower Court case search parameters 1041 hits appeared. Again, I did not read all the cases that either involved JWs or the WTBTS.

    Should anyone wish to have a copy of the list of those Supreme Court cases specifically involving JWs, please PM me and I will gladly provide a copy of same. Of the 77 cases, I read approximately 30, as the remaining cases were relying upon prior rulings involving JWs and in turn, and it did not seem to fit the criteria of the requested search.

    It appears that some have taken issue with my prior statements and requested backup, I again would be more then happy to provide what I found. Please note that I have printed out the case law referenced above and will provide it, at each individual's own expense, as I have already gone to expense to do a search and print out the case law (which again is available to the public via a search engine such as Lexis or Westlaw).

    As for the readings of authors' works, most of those are open to the reader's interpretation. I am not saying that I think Schnell is a liar. The thing that always makes me wonder is how much of a book is reality based and how much is clouded by anger or shaded in such a way as to draw in the reader.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    As for the readings of authors' works, most of those are open to the reader's interpretation. I am not saying that I think Schnell is a liar. The thing that always makes me wonder is how much of a book is reality based and how much is clouded by anger or shaded in such a way as to draw in the reader.

    LG - my precise point of question. As I stated, at first leaving the JW I was still offended with the seeming caustic and assertive statements by the author - only now do I read it with interest. Clearly he had issues of proportion upon leaving. Most of us did - how much he carried into the book with exageration is the question.

    I was hoping that some of the posters here might have actually knew him and could lend some credence [or lack] to the detail.


  • looking_glass

    AK - I completely understand your interest and need to know more. It is like the mini riot in the States over people thinking a Million Little Pieces was autobiographical only to find out later parts were fictionalized. It is my understanding Schnell has passed away. It would be interesting to find someone who either knew him or was there at the same time and could support his work.

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