The slave is not greater than the master.
Jah the Almighty was the First Sacrifice as the Master, where Jesus Christ was the Second as Holy or Perfect sacrifices. Jah the Almighty had to sacrifice Loved Ones in order to raise a perfect family in Discipline and Righteousness. Without rebellion there would be no need for discipline, there was rebellion, therefore need for Discipline.
The New Scrolls: It has been proven that neither those in the heavenly realm or the earthly realm, spirits and humans cannot rule themselves having "Free Will" or reign without "Perfect Law". Spirit entities rebelled therefore it was necessary to allow free reign to all in the heavens and in the earth, and also a choice of good or evil. Many have chosen evil and by "Perfect Law" it is necessary to remove all evil in order to establish the Kingdom of God upon the Earth of Mankind in Paradise.
First Law of the "New Order" in "The Kingdom of God"
1. All creations will live by "Perfect Law" of the Almighty God under full reign of Jesus Christ in the "Kingdom of God" therefore requiring that "Free Will" be REMOVED immediately upon the arrival of Jesus Christ.......
Not 7 times but 77 times