Truth and Understanding

by 777 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Hellrider
    You are correct in two ways. Disasters do happen and they do not happen because the Almighty GOD brought them. It is because spirits and humans have brought ruin to the earth by everything that they do in stupidity by destroying the environment.

    The last time Esteban was here, he blamed mans pollution of the environment also for earthquakes...

  • 777

    You said: "The meaning of the words is inspired, I am subject to error as a human. Aren't you being a bit critical?"

    Yes. I was being a bit critical. You have a great interest in recent chronology. I have an interest in psychiatric analysis. (My daughter is currently studying for the profession.) I want to know more about how you think.

    But I'm also always interested in how someone clarifies mistakes after claiming any form of inspiration - even partial inspiration as the WTBS claims with terms like "spirit-directed". Having been a JW the subject still interests me.

    You said: "It is easier to correct my error than try to use it as a basis of finding fault."

    I did not intend any more than to see how serious you were about this business of inspiration.

    You asked: "How would you put me to the test? Is there something you would like to know about the Heavenly Father that is not written?"

    Of course. Millions of things I'd love to know. For example: Did the Heavenly Father inspire Jude to quote from the book of Enoch because only part of the book of Enoch was inspired, or because all of the book of Enoch was inspired?

    And here's another one on inspiration. There are a few places where the writers of portions of the Christian Greek Scriptures (NT) quoted an existing Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures ("LXX") rather than the Hebrew Scriptures directly. In a few cases the argumentation only really works because the Greek translation ("LXX") was different than the Hebrew, and their point they made in the NT would not have made sense based on the Hebrew as it has come down to us, especially through the Masoretic Hebrew. Did the Heavenly Father inspire them to do this because the Hebrew, at least as we now know it, was deficient when compared with the Greek "LXX"?

    All scripture is inspired as written. Mens interpretation has caused many to be misled. Pay close attention to the "meaning" of the words written by Jesus Christ when he said "If your eye is simple then your whole body will be bright". A simple phrase out of the bible misunderstood has given breath to many, many, misunderstandings of the scripture that have caused many divisions, even with the Christian faiths. You will find many scriptures referencing one another in order to provide testimony to the word of GOD as being true and inspired. There are always a minimum of two inspired writings within the bible written years apart in order to know that a scripture is inspired.

    The need to peer into the meaning of complex words derived by man takes away from the wisdom of the scriptures, which basically teaches man to love one another. This is the basis of law; Love the Father in the heavens, which means to obey His laws, in turn providing the foundation for sound principles in living your life. Also if you love your neighbor as yourself, you would never bring harm to anyone.

    If you follow the simple basics of all that Christ taught, you would be happier and learn how to endure in a wicked environment ruled by satan and man.

    Just for clarification, I do not represent the W.T.S. and/or their teachings, but belong to the Almighty along with Jesus Christ as one whom has been bought out of the earth with the blood sacrifice of Christ. You can peer into my thinking as much as you care to, however, all that will come from my mind are sound teachings in the principle of LAW. Ask and you will recieve, as I am open to anyone that cares to know me.

  • 777
    The last time Esteban was here, he blamed mans pollution of the environment also for earthquakes...

    Why would GOD cause them if He intends to repair the earth? Use your thinking ability with sound reasoning. The correct spelling of my name is Estephan, like Stephan

  • Gamaliel


    Without addressing any of my questions, except one, you said:

    "...Also, providing food at the proper time occurs during the end time when Jesus Christ takes his throne."

    When do you think Jesus Christ takes his throne? What do you mean by "during the end time"? If you have already written or explained these views somewhere let me know please. I don't mean to make you rewrite your views if you have already put them on a website or in a series of previous posts.

    Also, can you tell me what draws a person like yourself to a site such as this? As an ex-JW do you feel that other ex-JWs are a more likely audience, a more necessary audience, the nearest available conduit back to the Governing Body? Are you trying to reach JWs here? Confused JWs who left for reasons you think could be similar to your own? Do you feel that there was something obviously missing in ex-JWs who found their way here instead of back to the JWs, and that you have something that perfectly fills that "gap"?

    You added: "A composite of many signs have been fulfilled and I relayed many message upon this forum and also to the governing body as instructed by JAH."

    You must feel that the governing body has some responsibility because of some past, present or potential relationship with "truth". I think they are about as indifferent to truth as most any other religious group.

    You said: "Please tell me, what is your belief as to fulfillment of any prophecy. How much longer cam man continue to reign upon the earth in wickedness? Which do you prefer, that the Kingdom take full reign or that man continues to rule?"

    My personal beliefs are irrelevant. My personal preferences should also be irrelevant. There has always been the "ego of the current generation" to think that it must happen for them. This was already noticed by Bible commentators for hundreds of years. Each generation since Jesus has therefore produced the necessary prophets to make the claims that appeal to their generation's ego.

    You quoted the NWT:
    20 But on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God was coming, he answered them and said: “The kingdom of God is not coming with striking observableness, 21 neither will people be saying, ‘See here!’ or, ‘There!’ For, look! the kingdom of God is in YOUR midst.”

    I doubt that you are aware that the idea of "striking" observableness is quite nearly the opposite of the meaning of the Greek. The Greek refers especially to things that one might attempt to perceive no matter whether they were barely perceptable or not. "Striking observableness" was used here because it is an attempt to get rid of a Biblical idea that goes against the thrust of a major JW doctrine. The idea in Luke is that you can't observe the coming of the Kingdom of God through any perceived signs. Matthew, Mark and Luke all happen to agree on this point when they report that Jesus spoke of wars, earthquakes and famines all as things that might MISLEAD someone into thinking the end was upon them, when in actuality "the end is not yet". That's why the same context in Luke could report Jesus as saying: "Do not go after anyone who says the time is at hand." Yet, one of the most popular religious books in the world around 1914 was called just that: "The Time is at Hand". It was part of a series of books intended to convince people of that very thing Jesus said not to follow. Those books by Charles Taze Russell spawned an entire religion that could sweep all its many false predictions and errors away simply by refocusing attention on questions like yours above. "How much longer cam man continue to reign upon the earth in wickedness? Which do you prefer, that the Kingdom take full reign or that man continues to rule?"

    I have no reason to get sucked into such ideas that happen to be precisely the kinds of ideas warned against in Matthew, Mark and Luke.

    Relative to the verse in Luke which many JWs mistakenly think is about "striking observableness", you added: "The Kingdom arrived in the heavens and has been established. A spirit is not visible to man and this is what Jesus Christ meant when he spoke to the pharisees."

    What you say might make sense if you are saying the Kingdom had already arrived when Jesus had said those words. If anyone thinks he meant some time around 1914 or today, then of course, your explanation would make no sense. It would be senseless. So, may I ask if you believe the Kingdom arrived back when Jesus stated those words? Since a spirit is invisible, does this fit the idea that there would be no signs to look for after that point? Or do you still think that one might observe signs after that date that would indicate the coming of the kingdom? Or do you believe that we are in the same situation as the wicked generation that would get no sign beyond the sign of Jonah - referring to Jesus in the belly of the earth for parts of three days?

  • 777


    Without addressing any of my questions, except one, you said:

    "...Also, providing food at the proper time occurs during the end time when Jesus Christ takes his throne."

    When do you think Jesus Christ takes his throne? What do you mean by "during the end time"? If you have already written or explained these views somewhere let me know please. I don't mean to make you rewrite your views if you have already put them on a website or in a series of previous posts.

    1. The Kingdom took full reign January 3rd 2005, and was born on November 22, 2004. JAH the Almighty begin to fulfill His promises on March 11th, 2005 which is 42 months after the events of September 11th 2001. You can research the writings of Brownboy in order to look back at the writings from the days before I knew that I was chosen.
    Also, can you tell me what draws a person like yourself to a site such as this? As an ex-JW do you feel that other ex-JWs are a more likely audience, a more necessary audience, the nearest available conduit back to the Governing Body? Are you trying to reach JWs here? Confused JWs who left for reasons you think could be similar to your own? Do you feel that there was something obviously missing in ex-JWs who found their way here instead of back to the JWs, and that you have something that perfectly fills that "gap"?

    2. Those on this forum are seekers of truth whereas they have also been labeled as apostates unrighteously. JAH led me here in order to provide food in like manner to Christ being sent to the lost sheep out of the House of Israel back in the days of Christ.

    You added: "A composite of many signs have been fulfilled and I relayed many message upon this forum and also to the governing body as instructed by JAH."

    You must feel that the governing body has some responsibility because of some past, present or potential relationship with "truth". I think they are about as indifferent to truth as most any other religious group.

    3. The teachings of the W.T.S. are worthy in the fact that they avoid mens wars and teach others in like manner. Those in the Middle East in the birthplace of Jesus Christ have been misled in a large way by false prophets, and Jesus Christ will return to rescue them from those that wage war against them. All will be Christians in due season as Christ is the TRUE MESSIAH.

    You said: "Please tell me, what is your belief as to fulfillment of any prophecy. How much longer cam man continue to reign upon the earth in wickedness? Which do you prefer, that the Kingdom take full reign or that man continues to rule?"

    My personal beliefs are irrelevant. My personal preferences should also be irrelevant. There has always been the "ego of the current generation" to think that it must happen for them. This was already noticed by Bible commentators for hundreds of years. Each generation since Jesus has therefore produced the necessary prophets to make the claims that appeal to their generation's ego.

    4. We live in the time of a wicked generation having no natural affection for their loved ones. They walk upon the earth without the rule of law doing whatever they feel, without the concern for anyone else, in fulfillment of what is written in the book of Timothy. It is not anyones ego that has been built up wanting righteouness to dwell upon the earth. It is their right as Godly persons in want of fulfillment of prophecy to take place.

    You quoted the NWT: 20 But on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God was coming, he answered them and said: “The kingdom of God is not coming with striking observableness, 21 neither will people be saying, ‘See here!’ or, ‘There!’ For, look! the kingdom of God is in YOUR midst.”

    I doubt that you are aware that the idea of "striking" observableness is quite nearly the opposite of the meaning of the Greek. The Greek refers especially to things that one might attempt to perceive no matter whether they were barely perceptable or not. "Striking observableness" was used here because it is an attempt to get rid of a Biblical idea that goes against the thrust of a major JW doctrine. The idea in Luke is that you can't observe the coming of the Kingdom of God through any perceived signs. Matthew, Mark and Luke all happen to agree on this point when they report that Jesus spoke of wars, earthquakes and famines all as things that might MISLEAD someone into thinking the end was upon them, when in actuality "the end is not yet". That's why the same context in Luke could report Jesus as saying: "Do not go after anyone who says the time is at hand." Yet, one of the most popular religious books in the world around 1914 was called just that: "The Time is at Hand". It was part of a series of books intended to convince people of that very thing Jesus said not to follow. Those books by Charles Taze Russell spawned an entire religion that could sweep all its many false predictions and errors away simply by refocusing attention on questions like yours above.

    "How much longer cam man continue to reign upon the earth in wickedness? Which do you prefer, that the Kingdom take full reign or that man continues to rule?"

    I have no reason to get sucked into such ideas that happen to be precisely the kinds of ideas warned against in Matthew, Mark and Luke.

    Relative to the verse in Luke which many JWs mistakenly think is about "striking observableness", you added: "The Kingdom arrived in the heavens and has been established. A spirit is not visible to man and this is what Jesus Christ meant when he spoke to the pharisees."

    What you say might make sense if you are saying the Kingdom had already arrived when Jesus had said those words. If anyone thinks he meant some time around 1914 or today, then of course, your explanation would make no sense. It would be senseless. So, may I ask if you believe the Kingdom arrived back when Jesus stated those words? Since a spirit is invisible, does this fit the idea that there would be no signs to look for after that point? Or do you still think that one might observe signs after that date that would indicate the coming of the kingdom? Or do you believe that we are in the same situation as the wicked generation that would get no sign beyond the sign of Jonah - referring to Jesus in the belly of the earth for parts of three days?

    5. Do not get caught up in the semantics but pay close attention to the times that we are living in. Try placing yourself in the area of the Middle East in your way of thinking, and try to comprehend what the people in the region are going through in tribulation. It would then be easier for you to understand the fulfillment of prophecy.

  • 777

    I will return here tomorrow, JAH willing, and will provide more instruction to those that are willing to read and listen. Have a great evening and sleep well knowing that your deliverance in near at hand. The "SIGN OF JONAH" will be explained when I return with scriptural backing.

    Hint: Jonah was in the belly of the whale for three day and those in the city of Ninevah were forgiven after they repented. Christ was in the belly, or heart of the earth, and all those upon the earth of mankind will be forgiven, not destroyed; when Jesus Christ arrives.

    With Much Love and Respect,

    Estephan Leuese; out of the East of Eden, and the Twelve Tribes of Israel, The Tribe of Levi

  • Hellrider

    Hallelujah, Hosianna, we will eagerly be awaiting your return, oh great Messiah. Return to us, thine faithful flock, provide us with spiritual food, be our shepherd, lead us thru the valley of death and despair, hold thine hand over us, thine people. Amen

  • 777
    Hallelujah, Hosianna, we will eagerly be awaiting your return, oh great Messiah. Return to us, thine faithful flock, provide us with spiritual food, be our shepherd, lead us thru the valley of death and despair, hold thine hand over us, thine people. Amen

    I love you too.......

  • 777

    I will return here tomorrow, JAH willing, and will provide more instruction to those that are willing to read and listen. Have a great evening and sleep well knowing that your deliverance in near at hand. The "SIGN OF JONAH" will be explained when I return with scriptural backing.

    Hint: Jonah was in the belly of the whale for three day and those in the city of Ninevah were forgiven after they repented. Christ was in the belly, or heart of the earth, and all those upon the earth of mankind will be forgiven, not destroyed; when Jesus Christ arrives.

    With Much Love and Respect,

    Estephan Leuese; out of the East of Eden, and the Twelve Tribes of Israel, The Tribe of Levi

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