"Shortly after September 11th" = Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. You should really get help. You may become a danger to yourself or others.
Truth and Understanding
by 777 58 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
To 777,
you surly make it an effort to stand up for your faith and I want to respect everyone’s believes. My convictions are not superior to yours, as we are all human.
This is a new experience for me, so I would like to ask you a few questions.
Do you belong to, or have, a congregation/organization?
What is the future for mankind? How are things going to develop? How will all be able to hear your message?
You said: “ In like manner I as the father upon the earth, along with my son, recieved visions and endured what was necessary as the "two witnesses" as two humans…”
Do I understand correctly that you are a father and you have a literal son who receives visions just like you do? I am very interested in this and would like to hear more about your son. What age is your son? Do you have other children? With these outstanding ‘gifts’ how are they treated in school? What method do you use to instruct them? Are they as well-versed in the scriptures as you are?
I look forward to hearing more about your life.
To 777,
you surly make it an effort to stand up for your faith and I want to respect everyone’s believes. My convictions are not superior to yours, as we are all human. This is a new experience for me, so I would like to ask you a few questions. Do you belong to, or have, a congregation/organization?
What is the future for mankind? How are things going to develop? How will all be able to hear your message?
You said: “ In like manner I as the father upon the earth, along with my son, recieved visions and endured what was necessary as the "two witnesses" as two humans…” Do I understand correctly that you are a father and you have a literal son who receives visions just like you do? I am very interested in this and would like to hear more about your son. What age is your son? Do you have other children? With these outstanding ‘gifts’ how are they treated in school? What method do you use to instruct them? Are they as well-versed in the scriptures as you are?
I look forward to hearing more about your life. freetoseeI was raised with teachings of the organization known as The Watchtower Society. I am no longer a part of any organization but worship in spirit and truth. I was drawn away by GOD from all worldly teachings by man, as no man can represent that they have the complete truth and understanding of GOD the Almighty.
The future for mankind is to continue to live forever, first upon the earth, then expanding throughout the entire universe. We will survive until the day the Almighty expires which will never occur, as a spirit that is everlasting.
I only know what JAH has revealed to me at the proper time. He proves everything to me as we continue in our journey in persecution being a chosen one of GOD the Almighty. The war in the heavens broke out and Jesus Christ has prevailed as written. Next are the wars of mankind. They will cease and PEACE with begin to reign.
Everyone upon the earth will be drawn together under the power of the Holy Spirit, or awe inspiring Strength of GOD the Almighty. It is as simple as a human controlling an electronic device with remote control. Everything that man has accomplished can be achieved with simplicity by GOD the Almighty, our creator.
Everyone will then be preached "Good News" of the KINGDOM in forgiveness by Jesus Christ, and the Twelve, along with assistance by all heavenly creations in righteousness. All in the heavens deserve praise and honor. Many miracles of strength and power will be displayed, so as not to cause fear to the innocent. All that partake in war will be brought to their knees in strength of GOD the Almighty. They will know fear as to not war anymore. Those raised in righteousness will be brought into power in love.
I was witness to the arrival of Jesus Christ in the heavens as the clouds moved forward in my direction, and Jesus Christ welcomed me into the Kingdom of the Heavens in my mind and body. I felt much love and also fear in judgment as a witness, being a first fruit of GOD. I was then raised by JAH the Almighty, and my son was raised by Jesus Christ. Myself, my son and all creations will continue to learn in wisdom and love until time indefinite. I also having a daughter that I love intensely that has seen both myself and my son go through much testing and training.
I am currently 45 years old and my son is 27. These visions were brought to my son for a period of time and came to an end. It took much strength and evergy to endure all that was necessary in the spirit realm and also in the earthly realm. I continue to endure all that is necessary as a witness to all that is ocurring in the heavens. It all make perfect sense as Jah the Almighty explains everything to me as we go along. It all ocurrs without warning as to the time and season, however JAH always provides advance notice. I am given advance notice of everything that occurs as part of fulfillment of prophecy and JAH reveals it to me later through visual means in script or in my everyday living.
I was more advanced in my understanding of the scripture than my son. We were both believers of that in the spirit realm and understood the meaning and true nature of spirit entities with pure faith. This is why I was chosen. My son came into being first as he would reveal to me various understanding unknown to me. I heard reports of strange occurances befalling my son and soon recognized that he was under the power of the spirits. This is when everything was revealed to me in the spirit also. I have been witness to many occurances in the spirit realm which do cause great fear, however JAH always provides the needed strength.
You said: "Most recently another tsunami warning creating great floods as in the days of noah."
Actually, tsunamis can create great floods, but tsunami WARNINGS do not create great floods. Warnings can turn out to be false predictions. Warnings can be lifted and revised.
One of the oft-missed points of the predictions made in Matthew 24 (Mark 13, Luke 21) to which you allude, is the fact that Christians should NOT add to people's fear and anxiety over rumors and warnings of significant earthly events. Floods, wars, famines, pestilence, earthquakes and such things are things that foolish ones (like JWs, for example) might get fooled by. They might get overly anxious to see them as signs of impending judgment. Why else would Jesus add "do not be MISLED" repeatedly during his answer to the disciples' reqeust about a "sign".
We should all take precautions during any serious warnings, of course, but my point is that Christians should keep a clear head, and think clearly. Especially those who "accept" or put themselves in positions of teaching others. The undercurrent of Jesus' statements is about the ease with which one could be misled over physical "signs" and think that these somehow relate to signs from heaven, which come suddenly and surprisingly - with no relationship to earthly, physical signs.
You appear to be doing exactly what Jesus is reported to have warned against. The connection you made between a false tsunami warning and prophecies about the great floods reminiscent of the "days of Noah" was exactly the kind of connection that Jesus said NOT to make. Apparently, you even implied that God might override his covenant with Noah about never destroying the earth through flooding. If you feel you have a God-given right, or a duty "as a Mighty God" to attempt to change covenants, so be it. But to me, to make such an implication implies muddled thinking which is not worthy of much consideration. After all, a tree is judged by its fruits.
Your highlight of the tsunami warning seems an example of imprudent, indiscreet and unwise examples in your teaching. No wonder that "faithful and discreet" slaves of Christ were represented as being patient and doing what was expected of them as "slaves" of Christ - not masters of any kind. Quite the opposite of those who try to lord it over fellow servants. The temptation of fellow servants to think they need to become "lords" or "mighty gods" to manipulate the attention of fellow servants has a long history. It's not just the history of Christians since Jesus died. It's the entire history of humankind. -
You said: "Most recently another tsunami warning creating great floods as in the days of noah."
Actually, tsunamis can create great floods, but tsunami WARNINGS do not create great floods. Warnings can turn out to be false predictions. Warnings can be lifted and revised.
One of the oft-missed points of the predictions made in Matthew 24 (Mark 13, Luke 21) to which you allude, is the fact that Christians should NOT add to people's fear and anxiety over rumors and warnings of significant earthly events. Floods, wars, famines, pestilence, earthquakes and such things are things that foolish ones (like JWs, for example) might get fooled by. They might get overly anxious to see them as signs of impending judgment. Why else would Jesus add "do not be MISLED" repeatedly during his answer to the disciples' reqeust about a "sign".
We should all take precautions during any serious warnings, of course, but my point is that Christians should keep a clear head, and think clearly. Especially those who "accept" or put themselves in positions of teaching others. The undercurrent of Jesus' statements is about the ease with which one could be misled over physical "signs" and think that these somehow relate to signs from heaven, which come suddenly and surprisingly - with no relationship to earthly, physical signs.
You appear to be doing exactly what Jesus is reported to have warned against. The connection you made between a false tsunami warning and prophecies about the great floods reminiscent of the "days of Noah" was exactly the kind of connection that Jesus said NOT to make. Apparently, you even implied that God might override his covenant with Noah about never destroying the earth through flooding. If you feel you have a God-given right, or a duty "as a Mighty God" to attempt to change covenants, so be it. But to me, to make such an implication implies muddled thinking which is not worthy of much consideration. After all, a tree is judged by its fruits.
Your highlight of the tsunami warning seems an example of imprudent, indiscreet and unwise examples in your teaching. No wonder that "faithful and discreet" slaves of Christ were represented as being patient and doing what was expected of them as "slaves" of Christ - not masters of any kind. Quite the opposite of those who try to lord it over fellow servants. The temptation of fellow servants to think they need to become "lords" or "mighty gods" to manipulate the attention of fellow servants has a long history. It's not just the history of Christians since Jesus died. It's the entire history of humankind.You took the words written too far. This is how seeds of misunderstanding are planted. This was only an example of earthquakes that continue to occur, along with much flooding. Please recall the great flood in December of 2005 and also the flooding in the New Orleans area. I was witness to the floods before they occured and even provided advanced messages of warning in part, to the governing body in New York by written word, and also by phone calls. Many great disasters have occured and cannot be denied. These were great signs as to the time and season in relation to the Kingdom of GOD, and the arrival of Jesus Christ. 6 And I heard what was as a voice of a great crowd and as a sound of many waters and as a sound of heavy thunders. They said: “Praise Jah, YOU people, because Jehovah our God, the Almighty, has begun to rule as king. 7 Let us rejoice and be overjoyed, and let us give him the glory, because the marriage of the Lamb has arrived and his wife has prepared herself. 8 Yes, it has been granted to her to be arrayed in bright, clean, fine linen, for the fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the holy ones.”
Disasters like earthquakes happen naturally it has nothing to do with the wrath of God..
Disasters like earthquakes happen naturally it has nothing to do with the wrath of God..
You are correct in two ways. Disasters do happen and they do not happen because the Almighty GOD brought them. It is because spirits and humans have brought ruin to the earth by everything that they do in stupidity by destroying the environment. However when these disasters occur men blame GOD unrighteously. If you read all that has occurred throughou history you will recognize the significance of the most recent occurances along with the nations trampling upon the holy land as many signs given, in order to recognize the arrival of Jesus Christ.
To 777, Thank you for your reply. I am sure you will understand that it is very difficult for me to agree with you, since you have an outstanding message. -On account of two witnessed a matter is firmly established- So I am very happy, if not relieved, to hear your son is of an adult age (in 9/11/2001), since it takes a lot of energy to receive such visions. I was also raised within the JW-community and always wondered how it was for Jesus family to experience him doing miracles, etc… That’s why I find everything about Jesus life interesting. You are also a special person. How does your family deal with you and your son? Does your son have children? It most be an strenuous and exiting time your family. How does all of this affect them? I always had difficulty with the WT interpretation of the “two witnesses”. How do you work together with you son? Why do you use the NWT when quoting scripture? Do you understand the WTS to play some unique role in the fulfilment to come?
I dont know why but I'm having difficulty posting...so i'll try again!
To 777,
Thank you for your reply. I am sure you will understand that it is very difficult for me to agree with you, since you have an outstanding message.
-On account of two witnessed a matter is firmly established-
So I am very happy, if not relieved, to hear your son is of an adult age (in
You are also a special person. How does your family deal with you and your son? Does your son have children? It most be an strenuous and exiting time your family. How does all of this affect them?
I always had difficulty with the WT interpretation of the “two witnesses”. How do you work together with you son? Why do you use the NWT when quoting scripture? Do you understand the WTS to play some unique role in the fulfilment to come?
To 777,
Thank you for your reply. I am sure you will understand that it is very difficult for me to agree with you, since you have an outstanding message.
-On account of two witnessed a matter is firmly established- So I am very happy, if not relieved, to hear your son is of an adult age (in
You are also a special person. How does your family deal with you and your son? Does your son have children? It most be an strenuous and exiting time your family. How does all of this affect them?
I always had difficulty with the WT interpretation of the “two witnesses”. How do you work together with you son? Why do you use the NWT when quoting scripture? Do you understand the WTS to play some unique role in the fulfilment to come?
Yes, I understand your feelings wholeheartedly. It takes a person of great faith to understand what I have been through, and also, you would have had to be with me through each trial as a witness in order to have complete faith. However, I am not the only one anticipating the arrival of Jesus Christ, so it is at a proper time that these events have been revealed to all that read these words.
I appreciate your compliment of being a special person. JAH took much consideration in order to raise me with complete humility. I consider myself to be blessed and not special. My son repeated these words to me constantly as Christ taught him much humility also.
My experiences have effected my family without comprehension. For the most part it caused fear and anxiety as no person anticipates their world to come to an end. Many faiths around the world preach fear of thw wrath of GOD so it causes much fear to hear of such things. JAH anticipated everything in perfection so each of my family members have all been taught according to the Will of JAH the Almighty. They all had to be raised in wisdom also, as they will soon know the true nature of my heavenly calling. Therefore it will not come to them as a complete shock. My son does not have any children.
I followed instruction from JAH completely, even as far as the proper timing to visit my son. I had to display my complete faith in JAH even where I had much fear of the trials that my son was enduring. My son brings me great honor. We were brought together in spirit each time we had to bear witness of all that we learned. My son witnessed the demons that were allowed to follow me, as well as me witnessing the demons that were following my son. We had to fool the demons and draw them along as they did humans upon the earth. They truly reaped what they sowed as they were finally brought before Christ in order to bring them to justice.
Those of the W.T.S. claim the title of faithful and discreet slave, therefore they were witnessed to primarily. They hold much accuracy in their teachings, however have inaccuracies as all other faiths. They also hold claim to the promises of the offspring of Abraham, which belong to the "blood offspring" and not to the gentile nations. The gentile nations are spiritual brothers in teachings, and all humans will be united in one teaching and one faith, but only in the Kingdom of God upon the earth. I am comfortable with any translation and find it easy to read from the N.W.T. JAH interprets the meaning for me always. As far as the W.T.S. fulfilling a unique role, everyone upon the earth will be praised and rewarded as individuals and not as a group. All that make attempt to bring righteous teachings to another person in order to raise them as a disciple are praiseworthy. Only JAH knows all that will occur and given time I can explain the understanding that I recieve as to how everything will be accomplished when Jesus Christ arrives.