Would you shame someone for going back to the Witnesses?

by free2beme 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • jwfacts

    Maybe you could help them move on with their life, understand the fallacy of it better then then they do help them fill the void with something better.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    What right do any of us have to shame anyone? (Ok maybe with the exception of child molestors)

    Didn't we get enough of the whole shame thing when we were in the org?


  • luna2

    Nah. I'd be disappointed in them, and I might ask them why. Thing is, I know that people do what they feel they need to do and only they can decide what brings them the most peace. Some folks like the rules, the framwork, the black and white thinking, the fantasy. I'm trying hard now not to be too judgmental.

  • greendawn

    No, though their decision is wrong and takes them back to the slavery and deceit of the WTS, they may be unable to withstand the pressures of being outside eg shunning by family and friends or pressure by the fears instilled during the JW time, that armageddon will come soon and they won't survive it or the fear of the supposedly very hostile satan dominated world outside the "mother organisation".

  • KW13

    It wouldn't be up to me, to shame them. If they've made a choice, they have to live by the results. Maybe i'd try and make the difference and be their only honest friend whether or not they share my religious belief.

  • diamondblue1974
    Maybe i'd try and make the difference and be their only honest friend whether or not they share my religious belief.


    It is well known that witness friendship is predominantly conditional; by being different and offering friendship inspite of the difference of religious views you establish a difference, the difference being true friendship!


  • Woofer

    I wouldn't shame them . .although I might wonder why they would go back.

    I live in a country where we have religious freedom so if they go back, it's their right.

  • joe_black

    I know a person who has been disfellowshipped 2 times, and just re-instated for the 2nd time. I can't figure this dude out. I mean why would you want to keep going back to the vomit as the scripture says. Side note: I work with this guy, and each time he's been DF'd he's very friendly, helpful, talkative. But, like this last time he was re-instated, he's become introverted, won't hardly talk to anyone, including me, total change of personality. He was a better person "out" of the religion. So yes I would say that he shamed himself by going back, especially 2 times.

  • Mulan

    I'm afraid I have done just that. It was such a shock when I found out that a person I thought was just like us, went to the Memorial. Her mother, also out, goes to an occasional meeting.

    I said "why on earth did you do that?", which immediately put them on the defensive and I had to apologize all over the place.

    It was just a knee jerk reaction. I felt horrible afterwards.

  • sass_my_frass

    I could only pity them.

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