Would you shame someone for going back to the Witnesses?

by free2beme 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • fullofdoubtnow

    No, I wouldn't shame them, I would just pity them.

  • anewme


    They must choose for themselves in this life. Religion is a very personal decision, since it is no where written in the sky what to believe for sure.

    Too bad it is an exclusive sect they have chosen and will no longer be encouraged to talk with me.

    But I would invite them to approach me if they ever wanted to talk about it.

    I would hope to leave them with the memory of a reasonable and peaceable person. Perhaps they will see
    the contrast in the org and come back to my friendship.


  • LittleToe

    Please, allow me to elaborate:

    Why should I be stuck with the pity, internalised and never expressed, because of their poor choice?

    Further, this isn't just "another religion" or sect, it's at best a high-control group, and more likely a cult. Why should I let my brother fall into a pit?

    If that's not politically correct, then so be it...


  • xjwms


    if they need to be controled to be happy........so be it.

  • moomanchu

    I think I might even take Elijahs way of dealing with people who want to believe in falsehoods,

    and actually start mocking them for returning to their vomit.

  • zagor

    not really.
    Unfortunately, some people need to be wrecked several times before they realize they're on a wrong boat...
    Don't be surprised if after at first they first try to convert you and then after 6 months start same old cycle of 'noticing' that something is wrong with 'certain ones' in congregation, then when they can't really find anyone to talk to anymore there, they'll change congregation several times until they come to conclusion that it's same everywhere. Then they'll ring you again to ask if you'd have a 'dinner' with them.

    In fact, don't be surprised if this cycle is repeated several times ...

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