If it makes them happy though, and they are not happy now, should we pity them just because it made us unhappy?
Would you shame someone for going back to the Witnesses?
by free2beme 35 Replies latest jw friends
I read once that 1/3 of people are followers that want to be told what to do. If not in one high control group they will just drift into another. If it makes them happy there is not harm in them returning. I do hope that they are more realistic about the accuracy of the organisation's and not let it manipulate them into doing things that do not make them happy.
Reefton Jack
I got past the stage of wanting to manipulate others the day I broke with the JWs:
- Privately, I would probably take the view "It's your funeral, not mine" if I heard of anyone wanting to return.
Too many people died in two World Wars to uphold such freedoms as the Freedom of Worship. I would not want to try and interfere with that.
Absolutely not. I feel that it would be their choice, but I would wonder why they wanted too be treated badly again.
No! I would never shame anyone who wanted to return. They are free! Free to determine for themselves what is good for them and their family. As was already said by someone on this thread, if I shamed them I myself would be returning to the same JWism I left.
Great thread!
No, I wouldn't waste my breath, but I'd make it very clear that I didn't want to hear them bitching about it later.
I would read Prov.26:11 for them, but still offer to be friends.
About two years ago, a former JW couple I had known for 30-years went back to the Watchtower. They were childless, and their only family are in the organization. Oddly enough, they had been out of the JWs for 20-years before deciding to go back into it.
What greatly disturbed me was not the fact that they went back, or that they might have to curtail open association with me, but it was the manner in which they returned. One week they were all nice and cheery to me, and the next week I get a call that sounds like they like e-Watchmans' site, and that the Watchtower has some truth. I tried to get them to understand what e-Watchman was about, but that did not work. Then, a month later I get this bombshell e-mail stating that they have been reinstated, and that I am deceived by Satan, and that I am working against Jehovah.
I did not shame them, because they did that for themselves. But I felt betrayed as a friend. I feel that they had enough time out of the organization and enough exposure to fair information. For they read both of Ray Franz's books, and other material. So, on what basis they returned in the manner that they did is beyond me.
Jim Whitney
Looks like I'm in the minority here, but since when has that ever bothered me? Would I shame them?
Heck yeah!!!
While I have no axe to grind with those who are fading or feel they need to attend for the sake of their family life (I do appreciate the dilemma, and grieve with ya!) I think that anyone who is foolish enough to have their eyes opened, to get free, and then walk straight back in is in need of locking up in a mental institution. It's plain dumb, and dogs and vomit come to mind.
...fool me twice, shame on me...
Just my 2p - discuss
Little Toe I'm with you prov 26:11=dogs and vomit come to mind