Do you think that the WTS is going to "collapse" and there will be no JW's?

by booker-t 46 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • truthseeker

    The Society is a chronological based religion. It is not like the Catholic Church who have existed for 2,000 years.

    The Catholics teach that you go to heaven when you die, so all you wait for is your own demise.

    The Society teaches that "very soon" there will be an end to wickedness since 1879.

    In my mind there are two dates which get more and more embarassing for the Society as the years and decades go by...

    1914 - Jesus is ruling the Kingdom

    How effective is this kingdom of 91 years? What has it done?

    1935 - Last year of anointed ones being chosen

    A person born in this year would be 71 today. If you were 20 and had the heavenly calling then, you would be at least 90.

    So, with these two dates in mind, you cannot get rid of them, they will be the cause of the WT demise.

  • DannyHaszard
    People still join Scientology. People still join the Mormons. People still get caught up in destructive cults. People still believe in the Pope. People will still be JWs.

    Cults are here to stay there were cults among the cave men.What is different now is the information superhighway i would guess that 80-90% of new recruits will google "Jehovah's Witnesses first thing,they themselves or their worldly significant others and we are wacking the watchtower on the web.

  • DannyHaszard

    So, with these two dates in mind, you cannot get rid of them, they will be the cause of the WT demise.
    Ergo,no 1914 then there can be no 1918 inspection..... The central CORE doctrine of the Watchtower,yes the reason the Watchtower came into existence was to declare Jesus second coming in 1914.When the prophecy (derived from William Miller of 1842) failed they said that he came "invisibly".

    Ergo,no 1914 then there can be no 1918 inspection and sealing of the 'anointed' so the entire wts doctrinal superstructure comes crashing down like a house of cards.

  • IW

    I think the Watchtower will either keep getting newer and newer light that will calm the waters of discontent....or it will split....but it will not die.


  • serendipity

    I think the only way it can die is if they prohibit procreation.

  • james_woods

    I think Serendipity wins over Danny in the beacon of reality area. Isn't this how the Shakers darwinated themselves?

    WTS has always been able to bullsht out of most any false prophecy; only people like us on the board see the sillyness of such conundrums.

    Most dubs are not like us - they are robots.

    Having said,

    I hope Danny is right more than I want a 1993 Ferrari 512TR.

  • garybuss

    I think the Witness teachings and practices are much more rational than the . . . say . . . LDS group, and they have more growth and more assets than the Witnesses. Based on teachings and practices, why wouldn't the Witness group be around a long time?

  • blondie

    The Shakers are gone because they practiced celibacy and increased their membership only by bringing people in and in some cases adopting children.

    While the WTS has at times pushed the "celibacy" is better policy; it has never taken root....good thing they have been popping those kiddies out or there would be little increase.

    No, the WTS in some form or fashion will be around for some time; Lutherans are still around 400 or so years later, Methodists, despite the Catholic Church's attempts to end their existence (remember there used to be real wars fought over religion and many died) and hey Catholics too despite the membership loss during the Reformation. The WTS just keeps adapting; the WTS of Russell's day has little resemblance to the WTS today.


  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    I don't think they will collapse until the manisfestation of The Christ...? But who knows.???

  • wanderlustguy

    It'll never really go away, and should it? The angry side of me says it should burn...but it does serve the needs of some people other than those running it...or it wouldn't exist.

    There will always be some who believe, and some who want what the Society gives them...even if it is just "hope".

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