Do you think that the WTS is going to "collapse" and there will be no JW's?

by booker-t 46 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AuldSoul

    Without the Watchtower magazine and a strong fund base in headquarters, the religion splinters into even smaller and more insignificant nothingness. How does this happen? Law suits. Litigation will eventualy crush the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

    And all the while, the Internet will spend its time spreading the news. And those who are already gone in spirit will become more and more brave the weaker the Ravenous Beast becomes from the poisoned daggers piercing its body. And it will not last, because a house divided against itself...



    I believe that the JWs will continue to hemmorrage people from countries that have internet access. However they will continue to grow in countries or communities that do not. I think that within the next 15 or 20 years the WTS will be further marginalized in the first world countries, and that the WTS will be likened to the Christadelphians.

  • DannyHaszard

    The Watchtower lies and people die!

    I was born in 1957 3rd generation all my adult elders from the 1960's 99.9% of whom were convinced they would be liberated in 1975 and never see old age are now all dead.

    I can remember the assembly floor filled with wheelchairs during those years i have even seen delegates present in iron lungs all those followers had their hopes dashed and they are all dead.My devout JW grandparents,aunts,uncles my mother are all dead!

    Curse you wicked watchtower you are from your father the devil.--Danny Haszard

  • DanTheMan

    I think it would collapse if there were a larger societal collapse. IOW, some or all the doom-n'-gloom predictions coming true, but no Michael on a white horse coming to save the day. Dubs in the west for the most part live long, relatively comfortable lives. But throw a pandemic flu, or a massive earthquake (I've read that the midwest is past due for one, and that the one we're due for would result in millions dead), or a nuclear attack at them, and I think that the disillusionment would be so great among the survivors that all but a few would hang on. And who knows how bad things could get. It would be hard to be a JW when your existence has been reduced to a desperate struggle for survival and the whole structure of society has disintegrated into chaos.

    Dan, no longer a JW but still very much in expectation of the end of the world

  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    It might take a while but I think this will eventually happen. I believe that in our day more and more people are waking up to the problems associated with religion in general, everything is subject to scrutiny, including the book the major religions are based on, the Bible. Once people stop believing that this book is the inerrant word of God, the JW's like all the others will lose their foothold, people will no longer listen to their preaching and eventually they will die out or get sued for all their worth. (dreaming is free!)


  • heathen

    No I don't think they will collapse that is why I am not actively pursuing their end . I don't know how many times you can tell people that they will be transported to paradise for believing the WTBTS book publishing corporation is Gods channel of communication and be wrong before people start to wonder why they are still in this world and still believing what they are told . Of course when dealing with the belief that you are bound to be right eventually it's easy to overlook these type of errors .

  • garybuss

    Good points Danny. I asked my dad what he thought since everything he was promised by the Witnesses 50 years ago was all wrong and now he's going to die without the promised reward. He said, "It's still the best way of life. I couldn't of had a better life.". THAT'S why the Watch Tower Corporation and Jehovah's Witnesses will continue. Disconfirmation has no value to these people. They see it fail and then they die.
    The next generation is as greedy and gullible as the last. Promise them a BIG reward for a little inconvenience, and they shun their parents, move to shanty town, and walk the walk. Then they die.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I think it will diminish in membership numbers as time passes and expectations are not fulfilled, and less new people will join, but I can't see it going completely in my lifetime.

  • AuldSoul
    I believe that the JWs will continue to hemmorrage people from countries that have internet access. However they will continue to grow in countries or communities that do not.

    While I agree with you, I also recognize that the organization is a resource hog. The second world is getting wired to Internet at faster speeds than most first world connections (per capita). It is like they are skipping the dial-up entirely. There are excellent information resources available in Brazil and Mexico, Germany, etc. The WT will be relegated to first world countries who have no money to donate. If this happens at the same time a successful lawsuits, the house of cards fall and so does the beast.

    It will create splinter groups led by those nut jobs that always had their own theories for how it might work out. But it will also give everyone a reset button, a chance to choose again.


  • Oroborus21

    No -- to the question.

    (I won't bother to elaborate at this point why.)

    my only comment is with regard to your comments in your post. if you don't have a vested interest and all that bothers you is the "my way of the highway" attitude about them, it seems funny that you would spend your time having anything to do with them including posting on a forum dedicated to discussing them.

    There are thousands of religions and groups that have the same or similar enough attitude of propriety and claim of specialness. As for myself, I don't go around thinking, "God those Theosophists are soooo wrong! Boy they annoy me" (or whatever) and then waste valuable time posting about the group online. It seems silly that you would do something like that when it comes to JWs.


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