I was thinking of joining just for the cool outfits, but I dont think they accept atheists!! LOL
Freemasonry and the congregation
by Satans little helper 40 Replies latest jw friends
May I ask....Is any Masonry involved at all in Freemasonry?
I've been trying to dig up the source but i can't find it, I read a book or thesis by this researcher who said that freemasonry could be traced back to Nimrod, himself a stone mason, and that he was the one that organised a secret fraternity of stone cutters, and their first defiance was the tower of babel which lets face it required quite a few bricklayers.
I've seen this list a few times, and its inaccuracy always annoys me! Point by point:
- Jehovah is the most important word, used rather than Yahweh
- Both use the Masonic term Great Architect
- Both believe God yielded power to a lesser God
The Masonic name of God is Jahbulon, not Jehovah, as i understand it. Many researchers say this is a composite of Jah, Baal, and Osiris. Russell used "great architect", i havent seen it in any WTS publications for years
JESUS- Is only a man, not Almighty God
- No need for Christ as mediator
To say the WTS say Jesus is only a man is an oversimplification at best, surely. Tho they do say he isn't Almighty God. And the WTS don't say there is no need for christ as mediator
- Both claim not to be a religion
- The church is a pyramid
I think Russell used to be against religion, but the WTS have been calling themselves religion for decades The second ones ridiculous
Is written in a code- It’s a hidden book & is a temple
- Both believe in a future life for all mankind, a golden Age (Awake!’s early name)
- Both reject doctrine of hell
- Both say –a lie is not a lie when one deceives someone not worthy to know the truth
- Both will lie under oath to protect friends
- Both emphasize continuing revelations (new light)
God build the Great Pyramid [only in the early days did JWs say that!] - Both believe in works salvation, new birth not needed [one of those doctrinal points,could start a whole new topic. salvation can't be earned, but at the same time faith without works is dead. is the JW doctrine]
White Waves
On the topic of are Freemasons from masonry origins: The literature and books I've read say yes. My grandfather came from a line of Freemasons and he agreed. Many Masonic symbols, rites and rituals involve instruments used by stone masons. Freemasons built some of the world's greatest, architecurally speaking, churches and because of their skills, they were in great demand. They would travel with their families and tradesmen to each building site and set up housing together. They were known for the high level of honor, quality work and order amongst themselves. The levels in the society encouraged betterment of self in all matters and success in society in the furtherment of the Freemasons belief system and world goals. If you want to see some of the symbols, buildings, garments, etc. Do a Google search for Freemanson images. These also link to some ligitimate sites.
There is no need for you to get annoyed over this.
First of all my post said: “parallel believes- Russell and Mason” not Mason and present truth of today’s WTS. Russell would be disfellowshiped for his believes if was around today. Even in
Regarding Jehovah (again in Russell’s day):
A. G. Mackey (33°) states in ‘An Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry’, Vol. I (1871) : The Masoric History ,p. 363 ff, “JEHOVAH is, of all the significant words of Masonry, by far the most important…”
In a previous post I make mention of a book (freedownload PDF), you can find more evidence and detail there.
I am always happy to learn something new and don’t mind to be proven wrong, since I don’t claim to be an expert.
It is rather late for me now (because of time difference) and I really need to go to bed. I don’t mean to offend and only want to share my knowledge on this.
I’ll be back!
Lerntoswim, There is no need for you to get annoyed over this. First of all my post said: “parallel believes- Russell and Mason” not Mason and present truth of today’s WTS. Russell would be disfellowshiped for his believes if was around today. Even in Rutherford’s day the WTS was changed into something almost new!!! I think this pretty much answers you objection. Regarding Jehovah (again in Russell’s day): A. G. Mackey (33°) states in ‘An Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry’, Vol. I (1871) Chicago: The Masoric History Co.,p. 363 ff, “JEHOVAH is, of all the significant words of Masonry, by far the most important…” In a previous post I make mention of a book (freedownload PDF), you can find more evidence and detail there. I am always happy to learn something new and don’t mind to be proven wrong, since I don’t claim to be an expert. It is rather late for me now (because of time difference) and I really need to go to bed. I don’t mean to offend and only want to share my knowledge on this. I’ll be back! freetosee
One more: My understanding is it started around the medieval time in Europe. To make sure a (stone) mason receives his due salary, he had to approach, use secret handshake, and say the right words to the master mason. By this they could tell the difference between apprentice, (fellow)craftsman, master…etc. And from here things further developed to freemasonry. I know the roots of freemasonry go way back, but the term freemason started here. Its been a while since I last really looked into this.
I was actually addressing the first part to Satanslittlehelper and the second to you.
Returning to you and the use of the word hall as being Masonic. I don't agree at all. After all, there are bingo halls, city halls, dance halls, banquet halls, etc. that have nothing to do with the Masons. And, I venture to say, the same holds true with Kingdom Halls.
All the Masonic hoop-la surrounding Rosemont have nothing to do with the cemetery. Russell was buried in the Bethel plot in 1916, which cemetery was already in existence, when there was yet no Masonic temple and no Masonic street names. The people buried in the cemetery (like any cemetery) can have people of any religion or organization (including Masons) buried within. The pyramid monument in the cemetery was dedicated to the whole Bethel family and is located in the Bethel plot. Russell has his own tombstone, which proclaims him the Laodicean Messenger.
I wasn't getting annoyed at you, sorry. i was getting annoyed because i've seen that list several times, and more often than not its headed by the claim these are beliefs shared by the masons and the WTS. But yes, you did say masons and russell, which is accurate like you siad.
I tried to download that pdf last night, my connection real slow at the moment, real slow! i'll try again later. interesting quote from the encyclopedia, “JEHOVAH is, of all the significant words of Masonry, by far the most important…”
!!!!! havent seen that before, good stuff!
There seems little point in comparing the Freemasons with the JWs, as you will find a number of points of commonality between any two organisations, people, etc.
Living in the heartland of Freemasonry, with friends and family who are members, I have studied them minutely. However I have to (once more) state for the record that I have never joined, and so my view remains that of an outsider.
The outer form serves fairly well as a boy's club, with pageantry and a chivalrous attitude to uplifting moral behaviour. Most Masons will never get beyond it filling this need in them.
The inner form is far more esoteric and appeals to a desire to break codes and know secrets, to understand the cosmos and play a bigger bit-part in the universal theatre.
Neither aim seems that sinister, though there's been much made of it attempting to keep aspects of itself secret. It all adds to the mystique, IMHO.
I would rather have a Mason covering my back than a JW, any day of the week!