...........db74.......good idea.......it would be under the catagory of ANTI-theocratic warfare
by JH 24 Replies latest jw friends
...........db74.......good idea.......it would be under the catagory of ANTI-theocratic warfare
I've thought about stealing and 'using' brooke's picture a few times... Just not as my avatar!
JH - How come you went to a purple background??
I added color to it in photoshop a few months ago. I guess I wanted a little change.
There are so many possible nice avatars that it is pointless wanting to steal that of someone else. Or at last one can roam around in other forums to get some ideas.
i found this ugly rat with the letters jh in its mouth!!!!
I'm not sure where on the internet I copied mine from, but it was in my photo file and couldn't resist. Hope I didn't pirate someone else's favorite...
They say that imitation is the greatest form of flattery... so I'm not too upset that someone decided to "borrow" my avatar. It would have been nice if they'd asked first, though.
You can any of the ones I have used. I change mine when ever this program allows me too. Which is not to often.
I've thought about stealing and 'using' brooke's picture a few times... Just not as my avatar!
....Thank you, I am honored! Brooke