You most certainly were! Do you know who the WORST offenders were?? The elders. The elders, because they were "shepherds and overseers" believed they had the RIGHT to talk about you, your family, your job, your personality and so forth.....They pick apart any male in the Hall under the guise of seeing whther someone "might qualify for privileges". Even if you didn't want responsibilities, the elders would still talk about you because not wanting responsibilities is a no-no in the elder world. If you were a "sister" what were you doing to contribute toward the congrgation's productivity?? You wanted to auxillary pioneer?? You'd be reviewed by at least 3 men to determine if you really should be allowed to carry on the "pioneer" title. And of course if you wanted to be a "Regular Pioneer", or "Special Pioneer" or "Bethelite", you would need further scrutiny. If you were a family member of a MS or elder, your life was going to be reviewed as an open book. If you were divorced, seperated, elderly, a youth----it didn't matter! The elders were going to dissect your life too!
Were YOU Gossiped About In The Congregation?
by minimus 75 Replies latest jw friends
oh yeah, they're prob. ripping me a new one as we speak....
Yes you are quite correct. As an Elder we talked about other members, but I can assure you we talked about other Elders more so than anyone else in the Congregation.
They Trashed my Ca$h
The saga of the,COOLS vs. the GEEKS
In 1989 a leading elder { that I trusted } taps me on the shoulder and tells me how he has telephoned the WT$ H.Q. Ivory tower,to inquire on,"how much longer can it last"."It can only 'last' just a few more months is the ominous reply".
Yes sir, this is heavy on my heart. Just how will I be 'found in the day of Jehovah's anger'?Will I 'probably' be saved?How do I conduct myself with the horrific death of nearly 6 billion men women and small children on my conscience?Will I be found 'blood-guilty' for not serving Jehovah to the fullest.[Col.3:23]
Who, should I look to as an example?What about the resident'Bethelite'?He just did a stint at Brooklyn and was a ministerial servant,and is looked up to as "exemplary".He is also considered to be the 'coolest' guy in the hall.In fact he drives a 'cool' two door Saab coupe.{the sisters are drooling over him}.He also subscribes to 'worldly',Rolling stone and Spin magazines.So he can be current with all the latest coolest 'worldly'. trends.
In contrast,I have heeded the WT$'s directive to only purchase a modest,$1,500.00 four door family style's very plain and ordinary (geeky) I think it s**ks,I'm a 4X4 pickup man myself.But the Ivory tower say's only buy four door sedans to facilitate,'car groups' for the sacred door to door 'field service'.
I'm making $50,000.00 a year and I drive a 's**t box'.because i am donating all my profits to the Watchtower $ociety.I am also at (age 29) still living with mom and dad, to economize on living expenses. I keep my nearly blind from birth mom,furnished with all the necessary appliances for sure.I even bought her a 25" color TV from K-mart.While the most popular( exemplary) family in the church has a wide screen TV.I bought with cash, for a pioneer, a better car than I have.I am giving Thousands of dollars to the Watchtower's world wide work,while my family and I lives modestly. For all my sincere earnest toil and goodness,I am loathed and ridiculed by my brothers and sisters at the Rockland Massachusetts congregation.
Sneering at me behind my back.Yes,they tried to pin a 'kick me sign' on my back.Squeezed into their mold a dumb geek,"who is so dum,why he doesn't have the sense to be cool like us".This is the event that set me free.The god of these ass"wholes" is not the god i will serve. --Danny Haszard
MARTIN, the real gossip did occur when it came to privately, discreetly putting down a fellowv elder. You're right!
Yes the backstabbing talk about me was he (me) won't stop talking. Code: He won't shut his damn mouth even though we know he's right. a.k.a. calling a spade a spade.
You must learn how to shut your mouth, Dismembered.
Yes, I was gossiped about, and the elders were the worst offenders. And when they did want to say something to me they usually said it to either my mother or my wife, to pass it along to me. Most were cowardly pieces of shit, afraid to come and say something to my face.
Minimus - I just remembered that we talked a lot about the trouble makers. In particular about the members who would always use the Watchtower study to have a go at other members. There was one Brother who within his answer had a go at just about anything that would be his beef for that week.
We eventually removed his priveledges and of course one of those was that he could no longer answer at the meetings.
MissBehave particularly stinging remark that got back to me when I was a teenager had something to do with my "Jaclyn Smith Hair".
Damn jealous sisters.