Were YOU Gossiped About In The Congregation?

by minimus 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • dido

    Probably was when i got d/f, as i ran off with a goodlooking italian guy who was studying, (well pretending to be interested, but was more interested in me!) Of course i was a starved from love etc. sister who couldn`t believe her luck at the time, (have come to my senses since!) altho` we did have a 4 year relationship. I know there was gossip as a bro` saw someone i was still in contact with and said ` oh, shame about D...,` wink wink, and laughed, ( well i know he was in an unhappy marriage, as he used to flirt with me all the time, ( makes me sound like a floosie doesn`t it?) but no, i was a faithful jw for 25 years! So the gossip was rife, esp after i wandered around the circuit assembly with him in tow! Well, what could i do? It was a Big temptation, and i`m only human!

  • luna2

    No clue. One would hope they had more interesting people to talk about.

  • coffee_black

    Growing up female in the congregation was brutal. The girls were viscous...cattiest on the planet.


  • mrsjones5

    Mostlikely but never really cared. Didn't like most the people in it anyway.

  • luna2

    I think that was it, mrsj. I didn't like anybody well enough/ wasn't close enough to anybody in my second congregation for it to affect me. I know they used to gossip some...just the few times I got together with any of them, there'd be some of that going on...but if they ever talked about me, I didn't know about it.

  • DannyHaszard

    Village of the Damned K-Hall

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    You bet I was!!!

    It isn't every day that an elder's wife gets DFed for adultery. And considering that I gave them that to gossip about you'd think that would be enough. Seems it wasn't enough so they created some other nasty things to say.

  • unique1

    I am being gossiped about right now. Apparently I am an apostate who with "balsam" from this board is trying to RECRUIT people away. Whatever. I couldn't care less if they stayed witnesses or not. They are adults and can make their own decisions.

  • minimus

    Lady Lee, what else did they say?? Huh??

  • KW13

    i knew some of it was going on, when i wanted to be an unbaptized publisher and progress more some whispers through this 'grape-vine' told them that i was swearing.

    i was but i denied it lol.

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