Matt: 24:14 .."and this good new of the kingdom will be preached in all the earth as a witnesss to all the nations - and then the end will come".
Jesus plan was that by the time he was to return, the earth would be schooled as to who and what he was.
Suppose you were going to leave the planet for 2000 years and you wanted the entire earthly society of people who would be alive when you returned to know about you. Would you tell someone to write down all your words of truth since these words would produce salvation and eternal life to all who believed in you........or would you tell a handful of diciples or say even 500 buddies to spread your words to their children and down through the succeding generations?
I'd prolly figure I'd want a book written and protected since I'd know that in 2000 years my story would get so screwed up my message wouldn't be the same as I intended it for. Even Jesus saw his close diciples getting his stories screwed up amoung themselves in the 3 and a half years he spent with them. Imagine them in 2000 years time had they lived that long.
So........why didn't jesus command a book about him to be written? If you think he did....please supply some kinda proof.