They seek him here, they seek him there... they juggle their balls high in the air..
Why didn't Jesus Give Instructions for a Bible?
by gumby 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
So........why didn't jesus command a book about him to be written? If you think he did....please supply some kinda proof.
What do ya mean? There are four books written about Jesus just how many books do ya think we need?
Jesus said the holy spirit would help his living disciples to remember his teachings.
Jews kept their religious history in written form.
Jesus disciples were Jews.
Jesus sat on King David's throne, the Christian Jews recorded the life of this new and greater David just as their ancestors did before them.
This was a natural thing for them to do and Jesus of course would have known this.
So you believed...up to a you think that is the "abiding" expressed by an excited virgin. I don't. it's fickle.
Well know what they say about the 7 year itch
Jesus was supposed to abide in me when I confessed him as my saviour. I did confess him.......but he shunned me arse just like the dubs did and wouldn't talk to me. I even begged the guy. I ain't beggin no more. I figure if he wouldn't answer me after 7 years I'd just figure he wasn't interested. Besides, I was born way after 1935 so all the tickets were sold out.
the god of the bible was exactly the one jesus was speaking of...endless rules did not help the jewish nation and they will not help you.
do i have this straight? jesus said 6 words that we are all familiar with and mao tao cow wrote 50 poems that very few people have ever heard of ,that are so full of wisdom that it has to be hidden away and revealed to very few people after 1400 years. as you australians might say...what a croc.
as far as the "golden rule" is concerned...i did not laude it loudly and i did not laude it as something new and extraordinary, i laude it as true. around here we have something called the K.I.S.S. principal---Keep It Simple Silly
also, could you enlighten us with the part of scripture that deals with "jesus the man and his nazarene party followers"? that sounds more like an australian rock band to me.
Mr. Kim
Why didn't Jesus Give Instructions for a Bible? Because he thought mankind would be smart enough to learn how to READ and UNDERSTAND the basic instructions!
dear just2sheep,"endless rules did not help the jewish nation and they will not help you."
N.S.S.....I have read the Book.
love michelle
do i have this straight? jesus said 6 words that we are all familiar with and mao tao cow wrote 50 poems that very few people have ever heard of ,that are so full of wisdom that it has to be hidden away and revealed to very few people after 1400 years.
No you're bent as a fundy preacher. My point has gone way over your head. There are 450 million taoists who would laugh at your "depth" just.. not to mention hundreds of millions of Hindus and Budhists and numerous others. In any case.. since when was truth a popularity contest? (a very western/watchtower concept)
Those six words you refer to were said by Lao Tsu, Buddha, Celts, Druids, Vikings, Polynesians, Australian Aborigines, American Indians, Inuit, Mung Tribespeople, Animistic Melanesians, Zulus and many others long before Paul's created his cult of christ. I say those words too. Loving your neighbour is not rocket science (as a yank might say) It's just common sense. With no knowledge of the Jews or their religion people have been recommending that since we dropped from the trees.
No offense but you'd do well to study a good history book or two cobber.
The phrase was likely a marginal scribal note that accidentally got awkwardly incorporporated into the text.
I’ve considered that. What did he really say. Perhaps the word written was a bloop for “The Word” or who knows. We have to figure that out for ourselves.
if no bible was ever written, how many believers in Jesus would exist today?
Probably a couple. I think I understand where you're coming from though with this thread. Maybe he just knew we were gonna write stuff regardless and botch it up so he stayed out of it.
Those six words you refer to were said by Lao Tsu, Buddha, Celts, Druids, Vikings, Polynesians, Australian Aborigines, American Indians, Inuit, Mung Tribespeople, Animistic Melanesians, Zulus and many others long before Paul's created his cult of christ
Too bad you couldn't have included the 10 Commandments unc as also using those 6 words.....but it wasn't contained in them. All it said was not to play naughty with your neighbors wife, don't steal his stuff, and don't even desire to have what he has to the point of bad intent. It did say to honor your parents..( love wasn't mentioned though). Mostly, it just talked about not messin with your creator.Gumby