www.religioustolerance.org states that there are 33,000 Christian denominations in the world. Some of these sects I've never even head of. I guess it becomes sect du jour. I do get the conundrum of not having the written word. I believe that it was necessary to have the written word to reveal to us a record of the life and history of Jesus Christ. My point was that each particular sect puts their spin on what it means to be a Christian or not to be a Christian. I can see how easy it could be to be confused with so many denominations jockeying for position. Jesus said (I know, it was written) that after he died he would send the spirit of truth into the world to direct his followers when he was no longer physically available. The problem that I have with that position is that despite this pouring out of the spirit of truth, there were already competing camps of Christians that were promoting their version of Christianity as truth. Some were Ebionites, others were Pauline Christians and still others were developing the Gnostic version of Christianity. Each group was convinced that their belief system was the correct one. The point that I was trying to make is that it would have been far more productive for the early Christians to stop their fight over what group had the correct doctrinal interpretation. If they had put their differences aside to simply love God and their neighbor, I feel that there would not have been so much confusion that has come down to us in our day. Mr. Shakita
Why didn't Jesus Give Instructions for a Bible?
by gumby 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Uncster......you still have ho hum breath from your nap. You got any mouthwash... ya stinky bastard!
The point that I was trying to make is that it would have been far more productive for the early Christians to stop their fight over what group had the correct doctrinal interpretation. If they had put their differences aside to simply love God and their neighbor, I feel that there would not have been so much confusion that has come down to us in our day
The problem was......it wasn't enough to love god and neighbour for salvation. Jesus taught you had to believe in him to be saved regardless whether you loved god and neighbour. You had to abide by his commandments too and follow his work.
I agree with you that loving god and neighbour would solve most world problems if not all of them.....but Jesus must fit into the equation for believers.... and that criteria is what has caused problems such as division rather than neighbourly love.
i don't fear science how did you get that idea? and i don't find jwd all that tough, how did you get that idea? and i have dealt with the hawks of academia and found most of them to be absolute asses, just like elders they can't grab their butts with both hands but they know where the comma goes. and if you dissagree with them or question their research or their conclusion they condemn you to ignorance, just as elders condemn you to death. and both groups believe that their condemnation actually means something. big deal. if you wish to believe either group so be it, i'm not here to condemn anyone over a comma or a scripture. i leave that to the ones who are into that sort of thing.
i find it a little disengenious that you compare the posts on jwd with books. i too find most of these accounts to be true. however they are not books they are experiences, and there is a difference. i know you know this so i'll chalk it up to having just woke up and coffee deprivation.
you are right about historians not being dogmatic purveyors of bullshit anymore than other scientists, but also they are not dogmatic purveyors of bullshit any less than other scientists. and therein lies the rub. my distaste for acedemia is a long held core part of me and not just a phase, but i too have had acedemics for friends and by and large have found them to be just as dumb as any of us. they have only learned where to put the comma. and if they feel they can get away with it they put the comma anywhere they damn well please.
please believe me when i say that i am not trying to diminish the joy you find in history. i just don't share it. i don't pay particular attention to the past or to the future. i learned at an early age that it doesn't matter if i ate yesterday or will eat tomorrow, it's whether i eat today that counts. so to try and bring this back on topic... i don't care if jesus left six words or a billion books it all boils down to love your god and love your neighbor as yourself. so my answer to gumby's origional question is that jesus didn't leave instructions for a bible because it wasn't necessary.
live long and prosper my dear unclebruce, because i look forward to discussing many things with you. do not fear me for i have no reason to fear you.
your american nephew
live long and prosper my dear unclebruce, because i look forward to discussing many things with you. do not fear me for i have no reason to fear you.
Oh yes you DO! Uncs a mean crazy bastard!
Gumby, the entire bible is about Jesus in general.
The scriptures, the bible is about things that happened before Jesus became flesh and after His death and ascension into heaven.
His disciples were chosen especially to write and spread the news or preach the gospel of Christ - all with the same material, same good news!
That is the pattern to be followed.
The bible foretells of the changes which would occur. These changes include the corrupting of the truth to suit man's perversed needs. And it is taking place right now. These things are coming to pass as the bible predicted.
If Jesus would have touched every believer as he did Paul.....with a visual, and audible presence, there woulkd be no need for a book as you say LT. This message would be 'ritten on hearts and not stone' The problem he.....he doesn't seem to do that most believers I've talked to (myself at onetime included)
But there are some in every generation, giving testimony to whoever will listen to them. Living Epistles, rather than written ones, most often locked up in mental institutions
~smooches Plm again for good measure~
LT........so if I want some authentification....I need to go to some psycho hospitals and get some testimonies eh? So hows come all these loonie's that was talked to by god was told to kill somebody....you know..."I heard voices in my head that told me to chop the guys head off" kinda guy?
I guess da lowd hasn't changed too much from his rampaging days when he was stompin around on Israelite soil a few thousand years ago......still a killing machine......that mean bastard!
I DO respect those that feel they have been touched by god/jesus as you yourself......but it's never jived that he doesn't do it to all that ask and wait.
His disciples were chosen especially to (write) and spread the news or preach the gospel of Christ - all with the same material, same good news!
Oh really? Any scriptures tro back up that statement?
Thanks for your reply just, It appears we were on different wavelengths yesterday.Yes academics are a pain in the butt (especially in the humanities
Uncster......you still have ho hum breath from your nap. You got any mouthwash... ya stinky bastard!
What does this actually mean gumby?
What does this actually mean gumby? uncleplainspeak
All it means is you gots roo-butt breath and nuthin more.....ya overly sensitive backwoods pussycat. How could I have meant anything more..... beings I got a penis thread goin on,.... heck, ....I'd be a damn hypocrit!
but this is an internet connection how did you diagnose my halitosis?