In the 1990's there were a lot of things that had the saying "No Fear" on it and one of the local elders figured out that this meant we live life and do things without fear. So that basically we could try things and take chances, without the normal fear we associate with things in life. Well in a special needs talk they decided that "No fear" t shirts should not be worn by good Witnesses and they asked that we not wear them to Witness gatherings, or even in life. Within a week there was talk of people burning them or throwing them away, like they were demon possessed. What I wonder though, did anyone else have a congregation that was afraid of the "No fear" t shirts?
"No fear" t shirts, forbidden???
by free2beme 36 Replies latest jw friends
Yes. Our congregation had a similar experience: No Fear t-shirts were strongly frowned on because we were supposed to fear God.
I wonder how they would feel about the 'you didn't witness shit' shirts?
yes, us too. we were supposed to fear god. also, they said that it insinuated that we take chances that could be risky and life threatening. if we died from taking such chances then we would not be ressurected. no fear was encouraging us to view the world like satan wants us to.
You shouldn't have been such easy pushovers to trigger-judgements:
One simple retort might have clamped the mouths of those congregational clothes-police: 1 John 4:18 "There is no fear in love, but perfect love throws fear outside, because fear exercises a restraint. Indeed, he that is under fear has not been made perfect in love." Point: wearing the logo-clothing was a witness to and a reminder of your resolution have God's love perfected in you (1 John 4: 16-17).
See? Isn't it easy to prove whatever it is that needs to be proved?
I have to be honest and say...........Shock, horror and total surprise.........NO!
Nothing was ever said about the 'No Fear' T-shirts in the congregations I used to attend in the 1990's and I attend at least 3 congregations during that decade. I do not even recall anything being said at the assemblies or district conventions.....Anyone esle in the UK know about this? Because 'I Know Nothing!' (said with an Italian accent)
Nope, never heard anything about the 'no fear' stuff....but.....back in the 70's, I had to stop wearing my 'the devil made me do it' t-shirt.
I remember the bro`s being told they had to wear white shirts, or they couldn`t go on the platform, also, no outlandish haircuts, etc. just proves it`s a mind controlling cult, who want to have total control over every aspect of our lives! It`s so good to be free and make decisions for ourselves, not being told what programme to watch, what food to eat, what places to go and people to see etc. I t`s great realising i`m not a child, and am not going to be told off for being a naughty girl anymore!
We weren't allowed to have the No Fear slogan on anything in Perry Florida where I grew up.
What about that stupid song "We're jehovah's witnesses, we speak out in fearlessness..."? Guess they shouldn't sing it, huh?
I need a that t-shirt for my 2 year old, he has no fear.