What is the naughtiest thing you ever did during a dist./circuit assembly?

by lovernotafighter 95 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover
    You could hear the confused mental bleating of 3,000 mindless sheep. I kid you not, we all stood there, silent, for like 30 seconds.

    Oh man, that's priceless. I can picture it, everyone kinda looking around wondering, "what do we do now?" afraid to leave their seat as if lightening will strike them.

  • Kero-kero

    I used to try and behave...apart form eyeing up all the sisters...I was not married then.

    But the last District Convention I went to which was 2004, I parked in a car park near the Convention and has it was a nice green area there where lots of families listening to the Convention with radios and sitting in chairs....instead of going into the stadium....I decided to play Cradle of Filth and Marilyn Manson full blast from my Car stereo... i got some evil looks...but it was so much fun...One brother asked me to turn it off so people could hear the convention. I turn round and said "I am not your brother so F**k off!" You should have seen the look on his face...Then he wanted to know my name and the congregation I attended...again I just stuck my middle finger up and told him to "F**k off and leave me alone" I started to get out of my car, and he very quickly walk away....Mmmmm! wife returned from the stadium with our daughter, and she was none the wiser.....That was the best convention ever...Hehehehehe!

  • Kero-kero

    By the way..I have to admit..I was in a bad mood that day has I really did not want to go....but my wife could get a lift from no one and she wanted to go.

  • Kero-kero

    Oooh! and yes I agree it was imature of me.

  • beautifulisfree

    SSSHHH! I was usaully a good witness girl ;) But the topic made me remember a fun time. One assembly a friend and I went to a few bars with a couple guys from the area kingdom halls. There we met up with a few ex-witnesses (that I was 'afraid' to talk to) And I suggested that we go to a strip club..of course all the guys were up for it. It was a good time but I still don't like the 'witness' guys that we met up with...they were cocky jerks and creeped me out. I wonder if they are still witnesses?

  • undercover
    It was a good time but I still don't like the 'witness' guys that we met up with...they were cocky jerks and creeped me out. I wonder if they are still witnesses?

    They're probably elders now.

  • daystar

    Voraciously checking out the T&A with the other teens. That was pretty much our entire reason for attending those at all.

    Once there was a hot married MILF sitting in front of us and we couldn't stop checking out her ample bosom. We kept snickering, etc. until she turned around furiously and growled at us to "stop it now!" Wow, that was just hot. She didn't try to tell our parents or anything. I bet she wanted us.

  • blondie

    Does anyone have the video of the British reporter approaching Jaracz at a DC?

  • Mary

    Well, we went out and got drunk the night before I got baptized. I was hung over to the hilt when they dunked me. We would also skip off the afternoon assemblies and go shopping instead........ah, those were the days!!

  • candidlynuts

    never heard of that incident blondie..i hope someone comes thru with it!

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