What is the naughtiest thing you ever did during a dist./circuit assembly?

by lovernotafighter 95 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll


    it wasn't an orgy, they got pissed and excited, it being their first time away from home. we stuck them in a room at the far end of the b&b and next thing we knew they were chasing one another around the b&b stark naked intent on wrestling with one another.

    I should point out that my congegation at the time was in deepest darkest Essex, which probably explains it all.

  • ballistic
    I should point out that my congegation at the time was in deepest darkest Essex, which probably explains it all.

    You must look for the answer within yourself dear one, not deepest Essex. I will pray for you.

    Counseling services available at $499 \ hour + extras

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    This is so not fair, i'm the one that takes the piss outta you. not the otherway around


  • ballistic
    This is so not fair, i'm the one that takes the piss outta you. not the other way around

    lol - just ask Gumby. Even if I make the most atrocious post while I'm drunk, I'm clever enough to make anyone look like an idiot the next day.

    "Prosohee katanalotes" - Poster Beware of ~Ball shit

  • luna2
    we ended up to two very drunken brothers wrestling naked on the floor of a family run B&B

    Okay, that's just really, really funny! Poor, silly boys.

  • Dino

    I gave Fenamint laxative gum (think Chicklets) to a bombastic speaker for breakfast that I secretly couldnt stand before he went on stage for the afternoon session. He loved to brag about his always being on the DC's. Sure enough, he was not able to make his part on time. When he abruptly had to leave the the speakers enclave, that was my finest moment! His butthole had to have been dilated 10 centimeters right when he was scheduled to go on!

    In my younger days, I would put mayonaisse in some of the more assholic brethren's ice cream cups. Youch, when they hit that mayo after the vanilla with strawberry and chocolate toppings!

    Once, me and an accomplice distracted a brother enough to slip another witness' business card into his lapel holder at the DC.

    My piece de resistance was to act like I was hugging our food stand overseer and tape a toilet liner to his ass. It was hilarious watching him walk down the concourse right afterward!

    This has been a fun thread,


  • free2beme

    When we were in Reno, NV one year. We would go to the morning session, leave and change in the car, and then go gamble and drive on all sorts of adventures (Tahoe, Virginia City, etc.). Then when we met up with relatives in the evening for dinners arrangements that were planned, they would mention that they never saw us for lunch or breaks. We would say, "we were around, we did see you in the morning." We did that all three days, why? It was stupid really, we just did not want anyone to say we did not go and get all that guilt treatment. I hated all conventions, so boring I wanted to take a fork and rip my eyes out some something exciting to do.

  • PopeOfEruke

    My friend and I were sweeping the stage at a Circuit assembly before the morning session started, we collected a nice pile of dirt, but hey! we didn't have a dustpan. So I looked around and saw the rug covering the area where the speakers stood, lifted a corner and quickly swept all the dirt under the rug. We left glad that no-one had spotted us.

    Not long after I was downstairs near the bookroom and saw the closed circuit TV showing a clear perfect shot of the empty stage.


  • morwen
    What is the naughtiest thing you ever did during a dist./circuit assembly?

    Me and Hubby were at the DC at Cow Palace in San Fransisco. I was sitting there totally bored and horny.I leaned over and whispered this to my husband.He suggested we go out to the van and "get it on".I thought.... oh what would jehovah think of me if I did that?,LOL. Ahhh it was just to tempting!!!! Needless to say,we had some fun and were trying not to be noticed as the "parking lot patrol" brothers would pass by and we tried not to rock the van so much,hee hee!

    We walked back in and sat down at our seats,I had the "wind blown" hair look and rosey cheeks on my face. That's the only thing I remember about that DC


  • lovernotafighter

    At a DC, during the lunch break, we got about 6 young brothers and sisters in my friends van, and drove around town drinking vodka, and beer.

    We missed the afternoon session, and some of us ended up making out...lots of fun. We ended up partying at one of the guys hotel room that night. Some of us were hung over at the session the next morning, but we got away with it..

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