Sagan and anyone who care toreply

by jw 111 Replies latest jw friends

  • funkyderek

    Humans have always existed.

    We can prove this quite easily.

    All humans have two parents.

    All parents of humans are also fully human.

    Therefore there can never have been a first human, so it must follow that there is in infinite chain of ancestry. No need for a big bang, certainly none for a creator.

    Isn't logic wonderful?

  • Genesis

    I just want to feed the troll, here for you jw :

    Bible Sucks, God is a faggot and JWs are ugly as Micheal Jackson.

  • jstalin
    Bible Sucks, God is a faggot and JWs are ugly as Micheal Jackson.

    LOL... please don't insult the faggots.

  • Genesis

    I thought you would be proud to have God in you commmunity jstallin, who knows, maybe you could hook up with him again ;)

  • jstalin
    I thougt you would be proud to have God in you commmunity jstallin, who knows, maybe you could hook up with him again ;)

    He too much of a narcissistic jerk. It's always about him. He's such a diva. Do this, do that. He's very controlling and has a quick temper. We only dated for like a week. Too much of a screaming queen for me.

  • Spectrum

    justsomedude, jstalin,

    We were created by God so God must have been created, therefore he cannot exist.
    What kind off logic is this?!!

    Within the physical realms of the known universe there are laws that say energy and matter are never lost but recycled. Everything we know in this realm has a beginning and an end. Immutable laws guide the function of our universe. Great!
    This is the physical universe, stop trying to apply these Laws to realms you know nothing about.

  • AuldSoul
    Justsomedude - you point out the great logical fallacy of creationists. They attempt to use a faux-logical argument that the universe is ;so complex that it simply must have an intelligent creator, yet their logic completely fails when confronted with the fact that, applying the same logic, a god-being would also require a creator.

    I respectfully disagree. Humans are complex carbon-based life forms.

    What kind of life form is God? Until you answer me that question you must allow for the possibility that God is a being that would not require an explanation for existence. Because you do not know the degree of complexity/simplicity of a God being, your conjectured response is flawed. It is not logic, it is assumption.

    (1) Abiogenesis cannot be explained by any holistic model and (2) even Science recognizes that such complex carbon chains, coupled with replication, and eventually manifesting many forms of complete organism replication must have had a beginning. Whereas, we recognize that energy has always existed, only its state has changed. Without knowing the nature of God you cannot logically rule out the possibility that God has always existed.

    I believe human life arose from a process that was started by extraterrestrials ("beings who do not live on earth", spirit beings qualify, yes?) and has been guided at several points in its development. I do not believe humans are the end result of this process.


  • jw

    What part of ( !. Only intelligent replys. ) did ya not comprehend?

  • Highlander


    What is the point is asking a question that absolutely no one knows the answer to?

    The reality is, nobody knows for certain how life came into existance. I would rather be honest with myself and simply say that I don't know, instead of

    forcing fairy tales upon everyone else.

  • AuldSoul

    Oh great. Another PMJ/Schizm will shortly tell us that anything that doesn't agree with his conception is lacking in intelligence. Wait for it.

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