so exhausted you can't rest

by Utopian Reformist 65 Replies latest jw experiences

  • lonelysheep

    Thinking of you.

  • cruzanheart

    Mario, don't give up now! You've come so very far. You are suffering from MAJOR jet lag, my friend, and that makes everything overwhelming. I'm proud of you for being able to handle a job like that after what you've been through. That's quite remarkable, but you are a strong person.

    How did you manage to miss Texas in all of this?

    You need to take some time and go back to Italy and stay a while to recoup. DO NOT MAKE MAJOR LIFE DECISIONS WHEN YOU ARE FEELING LIKE THIS. (And yes, I'm yelling at you like a Greek mama.) And please take the time to write your feelings down and let us help you. We really care about you!

    Lots of hugs,


  • greendawn

    I also travelled extensively, it was fun in the beginning but then you get tired of changing environment very often and begin to long for stability. So there has to be a balance between the need for the new and the need for the familiar.

  • Stephanus
    Stupid cat!

    Au contraire - sounds like a very smart moggie to me! Who looks after him while you're gone?

    As for you, UR, I've been through something similar, where "permanent rest" sounds refreshing. People think you're talking about suicide when you mention it, but they don't really understand where you're coming from. Chin up, and see if you can schedule a bit of down time. Things don't stay bad/hard forever.

  • outnfree
    How did you manage to miss Texas in all of this?

    I was thinking the same thing about Michigan!?!!!

    I can't imagine doing all the travelling you're doing, Mario, and not going completely bonkers when the time you are in all those places is mostly spent indoors overworking!!! I love travelling, but used to be on the road, too, when I was MUCH younger and still it exhausted me.

    I think the massage option was a good suggestion. Have a nice glass of wine before you go, and something light to eat waiting for you in your room when you're through. It may help you relax enough to rest.

    Hugs and prayers,


  • acsot


  • codeblue


    So glad to hear from you!!!

    You are suffering from extremes: too much work......100 plus hours a week, plus all that travel is like a 200 hour work week. NO wonder you are depleted.

    Can you take 2 weeks off for a vacation and get your much needed rest? Then tell your employer you need to cut down on hours worked each week?

    You have so much to you need to get your rest. And like somone else said: talk to a professional. (please)

    My thoughts and prayers are with you,


  • hubert
    Nice news is, which I might have forgotten/overlooked from his earlier posts, that Marina is thoroughly disenchanted with both the JWs and her mom's parents. She no longer considers herself a JW, and she wants to move out of her current home and live with her dad. He's working now in order to have that happen, hopefully by the end of the year.

    Taken from Bebu's earlier post of April 28th. '06.

    (((((mario))))) Good to hear from you.

    Don't forget what you said to Bebu about Marina. She wants to live with you, and not the j.w. grandparents. She can only do this, if you slow down, and take care of yourself. What kind of a life would she have to look forward to if you were not around to take her away from the j.w.'s?

    She needs you, and you need her. The only way you can guarantee that her life will be fruitful is to be here for her. YOU are her chance in life. You owe her this, Mario. Don't take it away from her by thinking of doing harm to yourself, okay, buddy?

    Slow down...Get some rest....Get some help. I know it's tough, man, but you got to do it................ for Marina.

    You need to take some time and go back to Italy and stay a while to recoup.

    Take Nina's advice, Mario. Hubert

  • sf


    You will feel my arms around you.

    Sweet dreams. May you find The Rest you seek.

    Sincerely, sKallywagger

  • bebu

    Mario, Nina is right about NOT making any major life decisions when you are absolutely, positively exhausted.

    You are driving yourself far, far too hard. You are at the saturation point, and you must make a change here before it's too late. I have an idea...

    ...And you have a pm. And I am emailing you as well.


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