Latest KM encourages JWs to ask for referrals

by ocsrf 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • ocsrf

    I thought I was reading one my sales manuals from work. So much of what the Watchtower does is right out of any companies sales training manuals.


  • candidlynuts

    what kind of referrals?

  • blondie

    There is nothing new under the sun.

    *** km 10/95 p. 2 Service Meetings for October ***

    Have You Tried Referrals? A talk. Some publishers have been able to start new Bible studies in this way: After studying with an interested person for a while, they ask the person if he knows of anyone else among his friends, relatives, or acquaintances who might be interested in a Bible study. Often several names are given. Ask if you can use his name when calling on these individuals. When making the call, you might say: "So-and-so has enjoyed studying the Bible so much that he thought you too would like to benefit from our free Bible study program." This can provide a nice list of return visits that may develop into productive Bible studies. Include one or two experiences from publishers who have found interested persons or started new studies in this manner.
  • cheen

    I knew it was just a matter of time before the JW's went MLM. The structure has been in place for years, only the ones at the top make all the $$$$ and the poor poor magazine distributors make squat!

  • Ticker

    Typical corporation tactics! Not surprising to me just feel bad for the poor publishers caught up in this escapade. Sad to see the so blatantly used as instruments to promote an organization of hypocrysy.


  • TMS

    Soliciting referrals was an intregal part of the "Truth" book six month study program in 1968.


  • Oroborus21

    that's funny....

    but Blondie's excerpt is from 1995 while the topic heading says the "latest KM" - can we see what the latest KM says please? (I haven't seen it yet)


  • Severus

    April 2005 Kingdom Ministry page 6:

    See scan at

    Do You Ask for Referrals?

    If you are currently conducting a Bible study, why not ask the student if any of his friends, relatives, or acquaintances would also enjoy learning what the Bible teaches? Often several names are given. With the student's permission, you could mention his name when you visit those individuals to offer a Bible study. You might say, "[Name of student] has enjoyed studying the Bible, and he thought that you too might like to benefit from our free Bible study program." Then briefly demonstrate how the study is conducted, using the Bible Teach book.

    If you have a student who is making good progress, you might encourage him to describe the study arrangement to friends and family members who might be interested. He could invite them to sit in on his study. Or if that is not convenient, he could arrange for you to meet with them to demonstrate the study arrangement. Doing this would encourage the student to begin sharing his Bible knowledge with others.

    Those on whom you make regular return visits may also provide you with referrals, even if they themselves have not yet accepted a regular Bible study. When you offer them a copy of the Bible Teach book, you could simply ask, "Do you know anyone else who would enjoy having a copy of this publication?"

    In view of the urgency of the times, we want to use every possible means to help people hear and accept the good news. Do you ask for referrals?

  • jwfacts

    The WTS is blatantly a sales organisation. Every good salesman knows to ask for referrals, and the Reasoning book is a classic sales manual

  • zagor
    There is nothing new under the sun.

    I couldn't agree more. Any dub reading this and doubting just needs to consider openly history of this organization and see sales methods being employed all the time. Ever since that famous statement "Advertise, advertise, advertise [wtbs doctrines of] god's kingdom" to this present day sales methods have been used and perfected all the time. Even small things such as why dubs are "encouraged" not to have beard (ever saw any bearded salesman). Basically every other freaking method even those how to overcome counterarguments and conversation stoppers are straight out of sales books.

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