Does items considered part of the "Occult" still scare you?

by free2beme 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • delilah

    Just to add, I hope people do not think "Occult" means devil worship. It does not, and I do not believe in the Christian Devil, neither do I worship it. this is the part I found interesting. I've never heard of a Christian devil. does this mean you believe there are two devils, or do you not believe in a devil at all? and to answer your question, no, I'm not scared at all about pentagrams, Wicca and such. I however, choose not to have a Ouija board in my home, nor do I have an interest in Rune stones, or Tarot cards. I do believe, however, to each their own.

  • Seeker4

    I wouldn't be put off by you at all, but I also have no belief in the supernatural at all. Wouldn't mind a good solstice celebration, though! we usually have a party around the solstices and equinoxes.


  • Gretchen956

    To step in here, the devil is an invention of the judeo-christian belief system. There is no "devil" in pagan belief or practice.

    No, I am not afraid of any of those things. In fact I wish all the pagans on the board could get together, we'd have a helluva time, hey?

    (Woodnymph is my pagan name, cuz I'm a tree-hugger)

  • free2beme


    In all that I have learned, experienced, etc. I have never truly experienced something that would make me believe in the Devil the Witnesses and Christians believe in. I label it, the Christian Devil, as other religions seem to have the anti-good in one form or another as well. I just do not believe in the Devil or a Devil, I think they are myth products of control and fear.

  • delilah

    I just do not believe in the Devil or a Devil, I think they are myth products of control and fear.

    I think the religions of today still use this fear of the devil to control their followers. I know the JW's certainly do. If I may ask you another question, do you believe in good spirits and bad spirits?

    Gretchen, thanks for your input as well. I never gave thought to pagans believing or not believing in a devil. It only makes sense though.

  • blondie

    Actually, the WTS has used occult symbols and concepts in its publications for years.

    There is more to fear from the evil of the humans I know exist........


  • free2beme


    There are good people and bad people, and in some cases there are negative spirits as well. I have read about this before and felt spirits that seemed to have very negative energy. I think it comes from different sources of why? Some died in a violent way that confuses them or they had something in life that left them feeling incomplete in the other side. I never get the impression they are evil though, just misunderstood. I do not think they can harm you in the sense the Witnesses would say with demons, but I think they could do things that might trouble you a bit, if you did not expect it or understand it.

  • LittleToe

    Not in the slightest.

    That doesn't mean that I participate in things that I believe to be unwise, but neither does it mean I'm scared by them. One such example would be the Ouiji Board.

    On another note, I never thought I'd see the day when pagans would be discriminatory as to who they allowed to thir gathering...

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