They will put a lot of effort into making you feel you belong there.
Is that why the baptized Dubz wear special badges at the convention and the "outsiders" do not?
I found they introduce a lot of lip service to claim that they like to treat folks equally but it's really nothing but a bunch of hooey. They are extremely divisive and have seperated the world into two and a half groups; "in", "out" and "studying".
If you are a study, then you will be tolerated but only because the Watchtower has provided specific instructions that they must do so. If you are not "in" you are beneath the contempt of the "Super-Dubz" who dictate the rules in the congo. They will honor you with a crocodile sneer from time to time but love as a functional human might recognize it? Not a chance.
I feel obligated to share the story (once again) of the annointed PO whose wife is dying. He is a "Super-Dub" and takes Organization advice and regulations to the extreme. His four daughters all DF'ed for various reasons (none of them is a "bad" person, they just don't swallow the Dub lies) and so they are "dead" to him. Rather than letting them attend to their Mom as she dies painfully from cancer, he will not let them visit her because men (even school janitors) are the "head" of their familyand his decision is final even regarding the relationship between a Mother and her children. The local sisters attend to the Mom, clean the house, cook the food, wash the clothes, bathe the Mom, etc. etc.
Whatever "love" you feel amongst them it is false and can be withdrawn as the whims of the Org. dictate. If a couple can "dis-own" their four children for what are really nothing more than faith-based concepts guess how important YOU are? I use the badges as an example that they DO NOT consider you their "equal".
Please don't go