
by I-follow-the-narrow-path 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll
    My married life as a Jehovahs Witness was this: Pre study for the Tuesday book group on Monday night, Tuesday was the book group, Wednesday night I tried to get a bit of field service in and also pre-study for the Thusday meeting. Thurdsay was the service meeting (2hours) Friday was reading the magazines and preparing for field service on Saturday morning. Saturday evening was studying the Watchtower study and preparing answers for the Sunday meeting (2 hours). Sunday was the meeting and then field service straight after.

    STOP, STOP !

    I can feel myself slipping into a coma !


    how much of our lives did we waste like that...

  • blondie
    Is that why the baptized Dubz wear special badges at the convention and the "outsiders" do not?

    MinisterAmos and Elizabeth, be aware that unbaptized people are not "privileged" to get badges unless they are attending the meetings regularly and "making progress toward sharing in the field ministry." That leaves out smokers and people having sex with someone they aren't married to, people who are still celebrating birthdays and holidays.

    *** km 4/00 p. 7 Question Box

    · Who should receive a district convention lapel badge card?

    Convention lapel badge cards can be very helpful in identifying our brothers and in advertising the convention. However, they should not be distributed indiscriminately. They identify the wearer as being in good standing with a particular congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    The card has space for the name of the individual as well as the name of the congregation. Therefore, the person would have to be associated to a reasonable extent with the named congregation. The Society sends a supply of cards to each congregation. It would be appropriate to give a card to each baptized and unbaptized publisher. Also, children and others who regularly attend congregation meetings and who are making progress toward sharing in the field ministry may receive one.

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll
    I wont have time to do anything fun... will I?

    Here's another fact you won't like...

    Jws are encouraged NOT to go onto higher education. That means that most brothers have really rubbish jobs. The most popular job for a brother down the kingdom hall is that of part time window washer. On part time window washing wages (try saying that fast lol) do you think your husbands going to have much money to have any fun?

  • KW13

    Here was my timetable.

    Monday - School, then study for Tuesday Meeting. I was lucky if i had time to see my friends

    Tuesday - School, then Meeting. Not allowed to listen to normal music past 6pm so i could get into the right frame of mind. Kingdom Melodies only! (no tv usually either)

    Wednesday - School, then study for Thursday Meeting. Again lucky if i had time to see my friends and go out, if we watched a Video for the Service Meeting, i would definitely NOT get out.

    Thursday - School, then sometimes what we didn't do for Wednesday Study. Later on the meeting, similar to Tuesday anytime after 5/6pm no normal music unless its kingdom melodies. Tv was often turned off.

    Friday - School then the rest of the day to myself.

    Saturday - Ministry sometimes and Study for Sunday.

    Sunday - Meeting and then ministry. The whole day would last till 3:30pm normally and by that time any good weather or friends were not around.


    BTW here is my story elizabeth

  • glitter

    All that time devouted to an organization... are you serious???

    Ah, but not one of us *realised* what we were doing was basically being part of a very strict book-club (at best, controlling cult at worst!)! We *thought* we were serving Jehovah.

    It's great that you realise it's bad to waste time being devoted to an organisation. In fact JWs often say "The Organisation" or "The Society" to talk about the religion... now I'm out that sounds very creepy!

    That timetable is actaully conservative. It doesn't include things like studying the childrens' publications with children, or if you're studying with interested ones yourself.

    Also notice JWs don't say *people* very much, they always say "interested ones", or "young ones", etc.

  • katiekitten
    All I said was that I want a husband :) JW or not... I want a husband

    Well then thats good, because I am certain you will be fulfilled in that matter.

    But, no you wont have time for any fun! If you ask a JW they will tell you that they have wholesome fun serving Jehovah. Its exactly what I would have told you when I was in it. But its all a guilt driven show of self convincing. Its bloody hard work and its no fun at all.

    I have missed out of my timetable the daily text you are supposed to read every day, the bible reading you are supposed to do every day, the three lots of assemblies a year, the personal or family bible study you are supposed to have once a week, and the prayers to be said every day and also before every meal.

    These are classic cult tactics, keeping members so busy they have no time to assess or analyse what they are doing.

  • KW13

    i am talking to her on msn, she's a really friendly girl

  • luna2

    Lots of good advice here, kiddo. I see you are still fixated on a husband, though. You have LOTS of time, really. I'm not lying to you. Its not a race; its the rest of your life. I've often thought, looking back, that the best thing I could have done as a young person was learn who I was first. Foolishly, I didn't do that. I got engaged at 16 the first time (my parents were livid) and then married the guy when I was 20. We weren't adults, we changed (he changed a LOT), and after nine very unhappy years, we finally separated. It was not fun...and we weren't even JWs.

    Waiting til you are older, hopefully wiser, and with some life experience under your belt doesn't guarantee a successful relationship but it does improve the odds.

    Joining a messed up religion in the hopes that you'll meet the man of your dreams would be tragic.

  • katiekitten
    then married the guy when I was 20. We weren't adults, we changed (he changed a LOT), and after nine very unhappy years, we finally separated

    Blimey, did we marry the same man??

    Getting divorced was the best thing I ever did.

  • luna2

    Me too, kk...wish I'd done it a LOT sooner but I was a mess. I thought my life was over because I was a divorcee with two kids...then I joined a cult. Could I have been any more screwed up? I don't think so.

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