Barbara and Joe: What a gift you are! That is one fine piece of writing! What a look behind the proverbial curtain your firsthand account provides. Your experience only proves true that all of us actually do put our pants on one leg at the time. The WTS has no water-walkers after all. Bethel: Get used to it! One can only guess that Ted Jaracz must have confused his upright slide on a freshly mopped floor as divine water-walking. Alas, that was not the case, and you share strong credit for telling on him. I mean, for telling the truth. I can’t wait to see the other shoe drop. My guess is Ted and company will need a change of undergarments after that one hits! The documents, the coercion, the money trail—it will all come back home to roost, which is as it should be. They all know what’s out there waiting. They put it there in the first place. Best regards, Marvin Shilmer
The Discoveries of Barbara Anderson - Eyewitness to Deceit
by Dogpatch 99 Replies latest jw friends
Excellent read. I just want to touch on a point you raised. I reached the conclusion in 1966 that there was no line of Witnesses extending from Russell to Jesus. Whether Arians, Socinians, Waldenses, Albigenses, Anabaptists,Mennonites, Amish, Hutterites, Huguenots or the Reformers--none of them believed as the early Bible Students nor today's Jehovah's Witnesses. Some did not believe in the Trinity and others war and being separate from the world, but, on the other hand, they believed in immortality of the soul and eternal punishment. Moreover, some like the Mennonites, Amish, and Hutterites still exist today and in no wise consider themselves believers of Jehovah's Witness teachings.
Thanks for sharing all your discoveries. Great sleuthing.
The Danish author, Poul Bregninge, who wrote the new JW expose', "Judgement Day Must Wait," published only in Danish, wrote me today. He said that Swedish XJW author, Carl Olof Jonsson, (Gentile Times Reconsidered and Sign Of The Last Days, When?) wrote him to say that Poul's book is without doubt the best book about the JW movement's history and theology found today in a Scandinavian language! Poul was pleased by the compliment especially since a theologian (priest) in Denmark had written a negative review. However, Poul has received lots of positive comments about the book in the press. One can only wonder why a priest would be critical of a book which examines the Witness religion? We can only hope the Danish publishing company will soon authorize translation into English so we can read Poul's book too.
Barbara -
All I've got to say is WOW!
This is a "MUST READ"
Thanks Barbara for writing that article.
Is there a place where we can read the full story found on the 27 pages you wrote? I am very interested in reading about your experiences so that I may share them with my family.
The full 25-page story in English can be accessed by going to the first page of this thread, and about 15 posts down, "elsewhere" has put my story in pdf format. All you do is click on the sentence with the underline where he mentions pdf format. I hope this works for you.
You also can save my story to your hard drive by clicking on the icon that appears on the first page. Just look at the upper left hand corner of the first page of the pdf file for an icon that looks like a floppy disk which is the copy icon and click.
Some can't open pdf files, so if you go to "Dog Patch's" first post on this thread, you can open the Gyldendal publishing company's URL address that Randy put there. It takes a few moments before the Danish website page opens, but you'll find my story there in English.
I think I have it right, but I'm no computer expert.
Barbara -
Thanks so much!! That was the best Bethel experience I've read. And just in time to make the 2007 JW Year Book, too.
Gamaliel -
"Police handle crime, elders deal with sin"
That's the exact phrase used when my Dad met with the CO and DO to try to get my abuser up before a JC. It's been 5 years now since I disclosed the abuse that happened to me and there are still many in the local congs who do not know what this mad did, as he was allowed to step down as an elder for 'personal reasons'. So even though he admitted his crime he is not a 'known' offender.
Thanks for the essay Barbara - it is refreshing to know someone who will not 'turn a blind eye' to the obvious. -
Great stuff. All I can say is - please Barbara Anderson write a book of your own! On this evidence it would be just as revealing, if not more so than Harrison's books, or Ray Franz's. Please don't leave it off any longer, get down all your thoughts and experiences while you can.
Posts like this are why I come back to the forum.