The Discoveries of Barbara Anderson - Eyewitness to Deceit

by Dogpatch 99 Replies latest jw friends

  • AndersonsInfo

    I'll try to answer some questions:
    Why Harry Peloyan told me in 1992 that Mary committed suicide is a complete mystery. He came to my office and looked and acted as if he was in shock. At the time I wasn't too sure who he was talking about when he said, "Mary is dead." I held my tongue and listened as he explained that the Florida elder, who was the intermediary between the Writing Dept. and Mary, called Harry to tell him about Mary's suicide. I asked if the elder knew why Mary killed herself? Harry replied that she had been depressed and it all was too much for her. She had such high hopes for the Watchtower's attitude changing towards abuse victims after the publishing of the Oct. 8, 1991 Awake!, but nothing really changed. We then talked about other abuse victims who Harry had long discussions with. I asked where they were and he said he didn't know and that was the end of our chat.
    I met Mary years later at a conference and was totally dumbfounded after she introduced herself. When it fully penetrated in my head who she was, I said, "But you're dead!" I remember the surprised look on her face as she stared at me probably thinking I was a nut! We talked for a long time after that and I sorted many things out. And, she had no idea why Harry told me of her suicide. Mary has written her memoir dealing with her Bethel experience, but that will be published in the future, so stay tuned!
    There was a funeral (memorial) talk for Richard Wheelock at Bethel. We were all given the impression that Richard was mentally ill and that excused his suicide. Privately, we were told that Richard blamed himself for his wife's death. He stumbled coming down a flight of concrete stairs as they were exiting some sort of museum in Italy. When she tried to grab him, she fell down the stairs and was seriously injured. The medication she was given in an Italian hospital caused complications because of a serious blood condition she had had for years and she died.
    The archival item that was missing was a complete set of slides and all related equipment for Russell's Photo-Drama of Creation in mint condition. Even back then it probably would have sold for many tens of thousands of dollars to collectors of WT memorabilia. It was loaned to the Society for a proposed museum at the Jersey City Assembly Hall. When I was inquiring about the Photo-Drama, it had been in the hands of the Society for about four years on loan. The owner wondered what became of it since by 1992 there was no museum at the Assembly Hall and he asked me to ask around. When I was told in no uncertain terms to cease and desist asking questions, I did. I have no idea if this problem was satisfactorily settled between the owner and the Society.

  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    Hi Barbara,

    I just read this and it's really fired me up. I'm going to send this to my father and see where it goes.

    Perhaps you've already answered this but in the article (page 17 of the pdf) you mention an "intimidating circuit representative" who later became a Governing Body member who was mentionned in numerous letters as trying to quiet people who'd been abused. Who was this?

    Thanks again for all of your hard work.

    tall penguin

  • AndersonsInfo

    Hi tall penguin,
    Hope my story in some way helps your dad see the truth about the Watchtower.
    You asked who the intimidating circuit representative was who later became a Governing Body member? At this point I have chosen not to reveal the name but he's one of the newer GB members since 2000. At this point it might be better not to name the man for reasons I won't go into here. He knows what he did, and I hope that if and when my story comes to the attention of all the GB, he shudders because he must know that one day his name will be made public. Perhaps one of the victims will decide to come forward and name names. I think this would be one of the best ways this sad saga in WT history be revealed.

  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    Thanks Barbara. I understand. I hope that this GB member does indeed get revealed. Time will tell.
    tall penguin

  • Mrs.Congeniality

    Thanks Barbara

  • Little Bo Peep
    Little Bo Peep

    Thank you Barb, for all the time and effort you've put into letting others know the "truth" about the "truth". I know it would be so much easier to just "get on with your life" but there are so many others that can be helped by your efforts. Sorry I didn't get this posted earlier, but I got distracted by a phone call, then off to work. Thanks again.

    Little Bo Peep

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Barbara,

    It is difficult to put into words how reading your story has made me feel. A flood of emotions fill my heart after reading what you have been through and what you have stood up for, and the reprocusions to both you and your husband, all for doing what was right all along in God's eyes. It it obvious after reading this that you have carried far more burden than anyone should ever have to carry in a lifetime. I too had a very close friend of mine who was being abused by her witness Stepfather. She would tell me how the whole family would have parts on the assemblies, such a fine theocratic example everyone thought they were. Only it was a disguise to the abuse that was going on at home. Her stepfather was abusing her and her sisters on a regular basis, and any JW friends that they may invite over to their home. This went on for years. Turned out many years later the youngest daughter who was his own he also had molested for years as well. Another case was some very good friends of ours learned that their only daughter at age 18 revieled that their best friends husband, who was a serving Elder had been being molested by him for years. And even at 18 he would stalk her. The Elder was only disfellowshipped for 6 months! He was later turned into the authorities and went to jail. These are SICK, DEMONIC individuals!! It is clear Jehovah used you to help thosands of victims! I am so deeply sadened by the way your son has decided to treat you. As you know, my parents have been labeled unworthy of acknowledgement from their son who is still in the organization too. My neice will never know her Grandparents as well as his little one who is on the way. But I will tell you Barbara, the same thing I keep telling my parents, and that is, don't give up on him! You never know what may change his heart. And when his heart is ready, Jehovah will help him see the truth. I was a hard nut to crack myself. And it took a very long time before I would even think of listening to my parents. Infact, I feel so badly now for doubting them. For of all people, who only had my best intrest at heart, to not even being willing to give them a chance to explain, well, I am ashamed. Like they say, "We just trained you TOO well". So.. as painful as things may be, especially since it is your only child, and only grandchild, don't ever give up! Hang in there. And in the meantime, we thank you from the bottom of our heart for standing up for what was right, and for trying to be a voice for all those unheard cries for help!


    Lady Liberty

  • jwfacts

    This is remarkable information so I have posted it at as a .doc, hope that is fine with you Barbara.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Hi all..

    Lets keep this one at the top. As it may open MANY eyes to what is REALLY going on!


    Lady Liberty

  • Dismembered

    Dear Barbara A.

    Finally got a chance to read and re-read your story. It floored me. It's amazing the people you've had such close contact with Harry P., Karl A., etc. You need to write a book, in that you have a "modern day" perspective of the inner workings of Watchtower. I hope to meet or chat with you someday.


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