I just finished it, reading Elsewhere's PDF version. Thanks, Elsewhere. What a riveting read! Barbara, you are a woman after my own heart, a dogged researcher. What finds passed through your fingers!
The Discoveries of Barbara Anderson - Eyewitness to Deceit
by Dogpatch 99 Replies latest jw friends
Good to see your post once again Barbara
As I read your story,it struck me just how many lives have been affected in a positive way by all the work you've done.Whether it is a child saved from sexual abuse or someone who wakes up to the hypocrisy of the WT and helps prevent further abuse.
I admire your courage Barbara,you are an example for all of us who have been wronged by the WT.Thank you.
Thank you so much for sharing Barbara My heart goes out to you in regards to your family situation.
Your tone, approach and perspective in writing reminded me of dear Raymond Franz.
I'm bringing my story back to the top and hope others will also help out not because I think my story is so special, but because of the extraordinay Personal Messages that I've been receiving and I want to invite more of you to write me. I thought I'd heard it all in the past thirteen years, but it seems that there are many Watchtower secret keepers who have decided after reading my personal account of life at Bethel that they want to share their secrets too.
Please, lurkers and posters, if you have insider information about the hidden workings of Watchtower, please PM me. Together, let's put our heads together and see what can be accomplished to hold Watchtower leaders accountable for their lawless actions. (Please don't worry about your anonymity because your privacy will be respected.)
Barbara -
I am not a secret keeper per se, just someone who will continue to post any BOE letters, CO & Elder meeting notes, and recordings online as I am able.
Great job Barbara.
I am a bit more than halfway through the account. (Loving it by the way.) But I was stopped by this line...
In 2003, I had a lengthy conversation with Mary, who Harry told me committed suicide back in 1992, about the invitation she accepted to come to the Writing Department.
Am I reading this correctly? Harry had told you that Mary committed suicide in 1992, but this was untrue? If so, do you have any idea why he said this?
Barbara, my wife and I read this short biography yesterday and we are IN AWE of the wonderful work that you have done. I bet you wished you had run the photocopiers at Bethel out of ink!!
Thank you and Joe so very much from the depths of our heart.
Bill too for all his effort to help so many. -
Barbara you are so diplomatic,"I made a choice that for the next 44 years of my life would narrow my opportunities to make choices."
In addition to Confession's question-
Since JW's don't believe suicide's will be resurrected, was there a funeral talk at Bethel for Richard Wheelock? Was he buried at Wallkill? Or did Bethel just act as if he never exisited?
What Archival item disappeared on loan? Was it ever found?
I think you got that wrong, Harry wouldn't call you a,"Judas", he called you a Daniel. Like Daniel 12:4b,"Many will rove about, and the [true] knowledge will become abundant."
Thanks for sharing. During WW II Winstin Churchill told the British,"Never Ever give up". Never give up on your son and daughter-in-law. Peace