I think 20, but 5 of those have only been at whatever airport I was flying through! I want to visit them all, even if it is justlong enough to be able to say that I have been there.
How many of the 50 states have you seen?
by AK - Jeff 41 Replies latest jw friends
G Money
40 + of the USA
Only 9 of the Mexican States -
all 48 continental states...
Not many. I've been to Washington, Illinois, New York, Montana, Idaho. I think. I've only seen Chicago through the eyes of a child. So many warehouses. I adored Manhattan, but maybe because I was there in the spring in the height of spring-fever.
I've been to more provinces. British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario.
Spot thinks we're already living in our ideal space. I can't take heat.
I've been in all the 48 contiguous states, 2 Canadian Provinces and one Carribean Island nation.
The places I liked best were:
Livingston, Bozeman, MT.
Cincinnati, OH
Central Vermont
Northern Idaho
I've visited Washington, Florida and Texas.
I've touched down briefly in Georgia and NY.
I don't think it's so much the State (or country), themselves, as the people. On that score, there are good and not-so-good everywhere.
Thusfar I have to candidly confess that I've most enjoyed the Texans, and I don't mean that in any way to detract from the wonderful people that I've met in other places. The Fests in Dallas have been fantastic! So much so that I'm going again at the end of July
That having been said, there's no place like home.
LOL at Blondie, be sure to drop in.
I've been to 1 United State - Hawaii
And all Australian States and Territories bar Antarctica and all New Zealand States and Territories bar Antarctica.
If I had my time again I'd settle on the coast of Papua, where the people are friendly and the sea is full of fish.
I'd love to see Texas and the North West; Oregon, Washington, Montana and the North East. The Texans that post are pretty amazing lol.
Let me name them, it helps me to remember
Hawaii, California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, North Carolina, District of Columbia (does that count?), Illinois, and that is pretty much it. So it looks like 14 or 15.
I'm sort of like Freetobeme; in order to remember I have to write them down.
Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas, New Mexico, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, Massachussetts, New Hempshire, Vermont, Kentucky, Ohio, Arkansas, Missouri, Ilinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota. O.K. That's 26 I've also been to Quebec and Ontario, Canada. Oh, and Mexico..
Hey how come you get great State names like Alabama and Colorado and all we get is New South Wales, Western Australia, South Australia, Northern Territory... .. if we join the union could you please give us some proper names? In the North and South Island of New Zealand the call us the West Island