Marriage advice I being unreasonable?

by Virgochik 39 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Virgochik

    Hubby and I married 5-1/2 years ago. While dating, he mentioned enjoying seeing the world while he was in the military. On our honeymoon, we bought a time share with an option to use RCI. I got the idea he shared my love of travel. We took a short trip to Spain 5 years ago. Our combined income allows us occasional nice vacations.

    We made plans 3 years ago to see Hawaii, but that fizzled out.

    Two years ago, we planned a trip to England, but hubby cooled off on that destination. He made me a deal, to go to Scotland in 2005 if I would wait. I agreed. In 2005, he said he wanted to wait till 2006, and talked me into waiting again. I bought Frommer's guide, was so excited, called Mom, we called our time share, and looked at hotel choices. Now, he's telling me he's developed a phobia of air travel because of terrorism, etc. Also, he says he's already seen Europe, and so why should he see it again? Well, I haven't seen it, is that fair I have to sit home in the chair too, and never see some place because he doesn't want to?

    Each time, I am so let down and disappointed. He finally admitted he strings me on and has no real intention of making these trips. Our summer vacation is three weeks off, and we have no plans, no hotel, no flight. He says he's "working on it." I discovered a "Women's Travel Club" on the web, guided tours for groups of women to travel safely in Europe. There are no men, so hanky-panky isn't my ulterior motive. I told him I'm seriously about to book a trip to Rome this fall with the ladies' travel club, and he had a fit! I suspect he's stringing me on again. Am I a b*tch, for getting fed up with this? Also, is it fair for me to never see the Europe because he's already seen it? I might find myself old and very resentful of him some day, for holding me backfrom fulfilling my lifelong dreams of seeing Rome and Paris. Worse still, I do not trust his promises when it comes to taking me places any more, after he admitted tricking me. He doesn't understand why...

  • mavie

    Just a guess, but it sounds like:

    a.) he's a lazy guy

    b.) there is more he is not telling you about travel (fear of cost, fear of mentioned flying)

    My wife and I booked a trip to Australia back in '02. I bought the tickets on September 10, 2001. After the events of the next day, I never once thought of canceling.

  • MissBehave

    virgochick, go on these trips with one of your close girlfriends or a family member. I bet you'd have a great time. Girls trips are always fun.

    And just tell hubby you're going without him. End of story.

  • SixofNine

    big bummer.

    You'll have to do the planning, and go w/o him if he so chooses. You have every right.

    I suspect your husband was less than honest regarding his real attitude towards travel, although he may have been less than honest with himself too. Travel in the army is very different than elective travel. How does he seem regarding the travel you've done since being married?

    The stringing you along thing is not gonna fly either. What are you going to do about that?

  • sammielee24

    I've been in similar circumstances in the past and no, you aren't being unreasonable. I took a lot of trips on my own or with girlfriends but rest assured that in time, it was obvious that it couldn't compare. Taking a trip with someone you love, creating memories that the two of you can share is a bonding experience. Taking a trip with girlfriends and then coming home and talking about it doesn't fill the same void. In the end though, I would be more concerned with the 'stringing along' as he calls it - being dishonest or manipulative in one area can open the door for the same behaviour in others. sammieswife.

  • luna2

    I would find a couple of friends and go by yourself. Let him sit at home scratching his nuts in front of the television. I have several married friends that I've gone on various trips with (when I could afford it). Their hubbies stay home and hold down the fort.

  • AudeSapere
    I would find a couple of friends and go by yourself.

    I might could be your friend. Just have to renew my passport...!!...

    I'd certainly be disappointed and don't think you are a bitch just because you want to travel. Seems that is part of the deal when getting married. Even if it wasn't, people grow and develop interests. You are not looking for a reason to leave him. Just want to see some other countries and cultures. A girls-only trip should make him happy.


  • blondie

    I'd take a trip without my hubbie if all he wanted to do was stay home. But we are very well matched on that point.

    I see only a few choices

    Stay home with hubbie and don't travel and get over it.

    Travel with a group or a girlfriend and he'll get over it.

    In the end, does it matter where you go as long as you are with the one you love.

    Or is that love the one you're with? Blondie

  • candidlynuts

    i dont see anything wrong with going with gal pals.. but if its really gonna cause a rift, is there a compromise? somewhere he is wiling to travel to? maybe within the usa? canada? mexico? lots to see here in north america.

    if he's not even wiling to compromise and travel here, he's just being a butthead and i'd be going without him lol

  • katiekitten

    Thats a real bum. And he clearly has some issues with going abroad, because he has gone to such lengths to avoid it.

    I would say it is totally reasonable of you to want to go on holiday abroad, and if he cant you need to find a compromise that satisfies both your needs.

    I have only been on holiday with my partner a couple of times in the last 6 years - we have different versions of a good time, so we go seperately. Were both OK with it, and we have lots to tell each other when we get home. We dont find it odd at all, but of course we are lucky that we stated like this when we first met. We keep trying to co-ordinate holidays but havent managed it yet.

    I think its entirely reasonable for you to go on hols without him - hes not going to die without you, and you are not going to forget to come home. I hope you can get him to see your view.


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