Witnessing at school

by I-follow-the-narrow-path 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • under_believer

    Elizabeth, You are a good person. The fact that you are asking these questions AT ALL proves that you are a naturally good person and that you realize that everything is not quite... kosher. I want to congratulate you for wondering if this was a good idea after all. You have more presence of mind than a lot of people your age, and more self-awareness to look back on the situation and realize what you did that was wrong. Keep up the good work, and keep asking yourself those questions. I think you're going to be fine. And yeah--Witnessing anywhere is problematic, but witnessing at school raises special concerns.

  • I-follow-the-narrow-path

    I already went to a doctor and I don't have depression. She said that it doesn't seem I do... after a 5 minute talk.
    I went to see a consuler for 4 sessions and when that didn't work my mum decided to not take me anymore.
    She said a consuler wouldn't help me, if it hasn't helped yet.
    I don't cut as much now, but I have bad thoughts (not as often but) more than anyone.
    I told my (now ex) boyfriend about these bad thoughts and he told me that everyone has them
    Do you have thoughts about people getting decapitated? Or people sticking knives in your privates?
    When you are home alone do you act out these thoughts... and fantasise about them?
    Do you have thoughts about your death in detail... almost as if a plan?
    If you have answered yes to all these questions-- you are exactly like me!
    This is what I told my ex-boyfriend and he told me everyone thinks like this. So, I just assume it is normal.
    Sorry... I ranted.

  • ferret

    Do some research other then WT and you might find that Jesus did die on a cross.

  • under_believer

    Don't be sorry for ranting.
    I'm not a psychologist, but I am told that cutting and other forms of self-harm often have a positive statistical correlation (this means that they sometimes are caused by) emotional, physical, or sexual abuse. Your boyfriend is wrong--not everybody has those thoughts.
    I cannot BELIEVE that any professional would talk to you about this and tell you that you are doing okay, or that your mother would make you stop going after four visits with no improvement. Did you tell these people about the cutting?
    Anyways--if there's anything in your power that you can do to get back in to a professional, I strongly recommend it. You're at a very vulnerable time of your life right now.
    And PLEASE stop to think before you make any major decisions about religion, wait a while until you are feeling a bit more stable.

  • Elsewhere
    Sorry... I ranted.

    No need to be sorry... you are sharing and searching for help in a positive manner.

    I think you need to find another therapist. You should search for someone who specializes in adolescent girls / young women who cut or engage in other forms of self mutilation. Trust me, there are are plenty therapists out there because cutting is a lot more common than most people realize.

    Look online... just be careful about being sucked into the "culture" of cutting. It can be very tempting.

    Take care.

  • LDH

    You are doing the right thing! Here is a very encouraging thread about witnessing at school!


  • Kenneson


    I think the article on the Cross vs. torture stake done by Leolaia is a lot more scholarly than anything I have ever read on the subject written by Jehovah's Witnesses. Take a look at


  • Honesty

    I hate to tell you this, hon.

    Jesus did die on a cross. Yes, it was a pagan Roman symbol and a cruel manner in which to kill a person.

    If you research outside the box that the JW's have you in you will discover the truth about the cross.

    Don't worry, I abhored the cross for most of my 53 years on this earth. I go to it (symbolically) now for forgiveness of my sins.

    Maybe, after reflecting on the following scriptures you may ask yourself why the JW's despise the cross so much:

    Matt 10:38-39 And whoever doesn’t take up his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me. Anyone finding his life will lose it, and anyone losing his life because of Me will find it.

    1 Cor 1:17-18 For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel—not with clever words, so that the cross of Christ will not be emptied [of its effect] . For to those who are perishing the message of the cross is foolishness, but to us who are being saved it is God’s power.

    Gal 6:14 But as for me, I will never boast about anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

    Eph 2:15-16 He did away with the law of the commandments in regulations, so that He might create in Himself one new man from the two, resulting in peace.

    [He did this so] that He might reconcile both to God in one body through the cross and put the hostility to death by it.

    Phil 3:18 For I have often told you, and now say again with tears, that many live as enemies of the cross of Christ.

  • Stephanus

    Please, Elizabeth, don't get involved with the Witnesses. The above posters are right; self-mutilation in reality or fantasy is not something ordinary people generally do. You need to get some help getting to the heart of why you do this and get these thoughts. And to do that, you're going to need to find a specialist in that field, someone who understands you. And I'm pretty sure that you are NOT going to find such an expert at a Kingdom Hall. The Witnesses expect you to take all problems to the elders, whom the Watchtower admits are "untrained volunteers". You wouldn't fly in a plane maintained and flown by "untrained volunteers", so why would you trust your precious mind to such as these?

    As an aside, have you told the lady you're studying with about the cutting?

  • mrsjones5
    I began on a long rant about how the word (translated into cross) was mistranslated. I was talking so fast, with such truth in my voice. I talked so fast so that she wouldn't be able to talk herself. I did it without even knowing I was and she just looked at me with such a serious face. She changed the topic afterwards and didn't reply to what I said about the truth of the cross, perhaps she was nervous that I was (maybe) ridiculing her faith. I do not know why I did this, it was total impulse.

    I wonder... is witnessing at school the best thing to do?

    Did I really (unknowingly) ridcule her faith?

    Yes you did. I'll be surprised of she talks to you again. What you did was rude and disrespectful. You are so misinformed about the cross issue. Please do some research!

    Good Lord!


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