Witnessing at school

by I-follow-the-narrow-path 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • jwfacts

    I am sorry that people are negative here to you, and it is not what you need. However, a lot of people suffer greatly by being brought up a JW ( it really is horrible being a JW at school, being different when school kids just want to feel accepted). Then when they get older and realise they no longer what they believe they are shunned by their family. No one wants they parents to force them to be any particular religion, and then leave them for dead if they don't accept it. So you need to realise people here are feeling hurt and want to prevent the same happening to you.

    Almost all the evidence shows Jesus died on a cross. Have a look at http://www.jwfacts.com/index_files/cross.htm for a simple article with illustrations. The Watchtower only discusses the uncertain grammar of cross or stake, and ignore archeology, medical evidence, the early Christian writings and even what the bible says, such as that Jesus had nails, and not a single nail in his hands.

  • under_believer

    And also: cross? stake? It's all so effing pointless to discuss this distinction anyways. What matters in that story is the sacrifice itself, not the sacrificial implements.
    I have always wondered why the Society cares so much about the cross/stake thing, and the only thing I can come up with is that it was just a "see? we're different!" kind of thing.

  • I-follow-the-narrow-path

    You are right... I guess it really doesn't matter what Jesus died on, BUT what he died for

  • carla

    Now your thinking!

  • osmosis

    I don't mean to hijack the thread, but I've always thought the cross/stake thing was just a nitpicky little point that made even more obvious the JW need to be "right". They want to think that they know something you don't, that they've "done their homework" and you haven't, you lazy bastards!

    One thing about it, is that it is part of their identity as a group. It's one of the things that sets them apart and distinguishes them as the legalistic, petulant, short-sighted, irrational dweebs they are.

    But if you become convinced by their illogic on irrelevant issues such as this, you might think they are on to something, and actually start believing the doctrine as a whole. Then you are SO screwed.

  • Hellrider


    I told her that Jesus did not die on a cross.

    I began on a long rant about how the word (translated into cross) was mistranslated. I was talking so fast, with such truth in my voice. I talked so fast so that she wouldn't be able to talk herself. I did it without even knowing I was and she just looked at me with such a serious face. She changed the topic afterwards and didn't reply to what I said about the truth of the cross, perhaps she was nervous that I was (maybe) ridiculing her faith. I do not know why I did this, it was total impulse.

    I wonder... is witnessing at school the best thing to do?

    Did I really (unknowingly) ridcule her faith?

    Girl...you know what, this is getting ridiculous. You write "I was talking so fast, with such truth in my voice", from what you write, it`s almost as if you know that you are brainwashed!?! But you still continue with your studies? Are you for real? Why are you, of your own fre will, getting into JW-ism? I`m starting to get pissed off. To many JW-kids, there never was a choice, they were forced to stick up for their religion in school?! And you`re actually willing to get into this of your own free will? Ok: Are you looking for the real truth? I mean the truth about the Bible!?! That`s what you want, isn`t it? Well, you sure made a gigantic fool of yourself on that cross-thing, because that`s one more thing the JWs are wrong about. Fortunately for you, most people don`t know to much about that issue, but people who have been thru the JW-crap sure do. Kenneson gave you this link to a text from Leolaia:


    ...I can only again urge you to read it.

    You need to wake up, IFTNP, and get a grip. Talk to your parents about what you`re going thru, have them call your "Bible study" lady (your chief indoctrinator, that is), and have them tell her you`re not interested in continuing your "studies" (indoctrination). And if you`re really interested in finding out about the Bible, take some theology classes when you start college. And for Gods sake, start playing video games again. And go dating. And go to the movies. And work out. Get a grip.

  • I-follow-the-narrow-path

    thanks 'hellrider'I can understand you care.
    I guess... I really need to talk to someone... not my parents, JWs, ex-JWs, but a conselor or something
    I am pretty stressed right now... with graduation, pressure from JW teacher, friends-- sorry, I know it matters none.
    Sorry... I talk to much about myself and I shouldn't. PLEASE (not saying you hellrider) do not reply to my post, if you wish to personally attack me.
    BTW, Someone asked me something and I question the JWs on this too. If Jesus DID, infact, die on a cross then why does it say that there were nails used, but only one nail is shown on the picture. I couldn't figure that out... I am starting to question now (but that is good)

  • snarf

    Does your school have a Religion In America class? Mine did and I took it, I didn't get any credits for it, but I sure learned a heck of alot on the history of the most prevalent religions in the United States. I live in Iowa also, so maybe it is something to look in to.

  • Hellrider


    You are referring to John 20:24 "Now Thomas (called Didymus), one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. 20:25 The other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!” But he replied, “Unless I see the wounds from the nails in his hands, and put my finger into the wounds from the nails, and put my hand into his side, I will never believe it!”

    ...anyway, that is not so important, and it`s not the most important argument against the "torture stake"-doctrine. In fact, that doctrine is not important at all, it is just a small detail in all of this (although it does show the intellectual dishonesty of the Watchtower, which is something you would see clearly if you read thru the Leolaia-post). And I can tell from the questions that you do ask, that you know way to little about this religion to take any important decision at this young age. And what is important, is all of the other doctrines of the JWs: - That Jesus is mediator only for the 144000 of Revelation (which is a very, very wrong interpretation of that text), and likewise that only the 144000 goes to heaven. That the rest are just flesh and bone, workhorses for the rest (although they of course won`t tell you this flat out), delivering magazines for the motherTower, with a future promise of eternal, earthly life as the reward (who wouldn`t go for that, by the way). You are heading into a cult that is built in a strict hierarchical manner, a patriarchal hierarchy that pretends to have been given a heavenly justification and mandate from God. And you are a young girl, and therefore on the bottom of the hierarchical ladder. They will walk all over you, step on you, chew you up and spit you out.

    And that is the honest to God truth about "the Truth". 15 years from now, when you look back upon the decision to join the JWs, with regret, don`t say that you weren`t warned.

  • kid-A

    "Do you have thoughts about people getting decapitated? Or people sticking knives in your privates?

    When you are home alone do you act out these thoughts... and fantasise about them?

    Do you have thoughts about your death in detail... almost as if a plan?

    If you have answered yes to all these questions-- you are exactly like me!"

    You really need to see your GP and get a referral to a Psychiatrist. There is nothing "normal" about the thoughts you are describing, especially if they are repetitive, intrusive or persistent. By the way, there are high levels of mental illness within the JW community and it is a religion that has an intrinsic appeal to people with psychiatric disorders. You really need to consider the underlying factors that are compelling you to believe the nonsense of the watchtower.

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