How can they reject me for a sin I can not control? Or (possibly) a mental illness? I mean... they don't disfellowship the Schizofrenic that is in the congregation
I'm going to tell you something that happened to me. Twelve years ago, I was going through post partum depression. I needed help. I thought about killing myself. I thought about hurting other people. I just wanted to stop the pain of being so miserable. My doctor wanted me to go to a specialist - and one of the women from the congregation told me I shouldn't. She thought that I would get "brainwashed" and "leave the truth". She told me not to take antidepressants because drugs were a doorway for the demons to come through.
Finally I couldn't take it anymore and I did go to the specialist and I did go on antidepressants. Even though I started feeling better, I would still have bad thoughts, but not as severe as killing anyone or hurting anyone (except myself). This woman, who had been my "friend" and who I asked to keep what I told her confidential, gossiped about me to everyone at the Kingdom Hall. People avoided me like I had the plague. I would say hello to someone and get ignored. I would say hello to someone else and get ignored. I would try to join a conversation, only to have them turn their backs and walk away from me.
Eventually, after many weeks of being treated worse than dog crap on the bottom of their shoes, I ended up in the mothers' room in tears. I was just repeating to myself that I wished everyone would just "go away". A sister at the KH overheard me and started a new rumor about me. By the time it got back to me (after being reported to the elders) it had grown into me threatening to get a gun and kill everyone at the KH. An elder phoned me and said that if I did say that, he would have to turn me in to the police for uttering death threats. I was mortified... and I felt like I could never show my face there again. Like, why did that woman lie about me? Why would she, knowing how sick I had been, say something so cruel about me and try to get me in trouble? It all went back to the fact that I disregarded "counsel" about taking care of my mental health and well being. They thought I was demonized. They even sent someone to my house (without my knowledge) to check if I had demonized items in my house. They asked me if I had been to any garage sales where I could have bought something demonized. (Incidentally, the "friend" I originally confided in, an elder's wife, is the biggest garage sale whore in town. She's out every possible weekend garage sale shopping. How does she manage to not get anything demonized?)
That experience - my 8 months in an emotional and mental HELL - showed me some very important things. First of all, that as much as JWs like to think of themselves as "having love among themselves", in reality they don't do any such thing. Secondly, I realized that unless you were in perfect health and able to perform the tasks that JWs require, they will eat you alive like vultures hovering over a near dead animal.
And I'm one of the lucky ones. I left because I realized that I would not be alive much longer if I stayed with the JWs. Leaving was a matter of survival, and I can NEVER go back. EVER. There have been others who tried to stay, tried to put up with all the crap that JWs put on them in their fragile mental and emotional states, and they ended up committing suicide because it was too much for them.
Take care of yourself, because JWs won't. Their interest in you is purely mercenary - they want you to join so that someone else will work for free for the Watchtower publishing company. The carrot they hold out - of Living Forever In Paradise On Earth™ - is as rotten and moldy and stale as it can possibly get. Try establishing some boundaries with them. Tell them that you don't want to go door-to-door... that it isn't your thing... watch them get agitated that you are resisting the programming. Stick to that plan and see how long the "love" lasts.
Again (because it's important) take care of yourself.