Witnessing at the WalMart in Evansville, Indiana(pics)

by Jourles 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyHaszard

    Good going posting this lets all work it,peddling their family wrecking religious racket propaganda at a dept store that is noted for charity vendors.

  • Jourles
    BTW Jourles - you must have passed close by my house to get down there.

    I wasn't the one who took the pictures. They came via an email chain letter. If I did take them, you can be sure I would have stood out there as well talking with any 'interested ones' that would have approached. I'm sure they wouldn't stick around for very long if I did.

  • Dismembered

    Next they'll be peddling roses


  • OpenFireGlass
  • james_woods

    Hate to be negative, Jourles, but are you absolutely sure that the pictures are authentic? They sure do look like the real business to me, but with modern photoshop it's sometimes hard to know. On the other hand, somebody else posted that this particular Walmart has employed witnesses in the past...like somebody in management is pro JW.

    I think that once the upper Walmart management gets wind of this that some heads will roll in that store. This company must already have a belly full of community hostility and contraversy.

  • misanthropic

    That's just weird. And why would Walmart let them have a stand in front of their store, isn't Walmart owned by Mormons? What the hell is going on?

  • MissBehave

    This is just disturbing on so many levels.

  • Abaddon

    If that's Photoshopped it very good. It's real.

    The girl on the left is naughty. You can just tell. She needs to be saved, and quite possibly spanked...

    It looks like they're selling some multi-cultural Country Club... I suppose 'The Paradise' is the ultimate country club.

    I don't think I was ever as comfy as that street-witnessing. I'm mean, given the fact they're propagating a vile cult, they're being smart about it. No standing-in-the-gutter-holding-magazines-to-chest style for them, oh no. Another cold Coke? Is your chair comfy? CHAIR!!! I never had no fricking CHAIR when I did street-witnessing. I remember where street-witnessing combined boredom, traffic fumes, aching feet, and either being too hot/cold/wet, or buffeted by wind to give a flying return visit.

    I DID see something funny once though. A four-way junction, me outside a 7-11 on one of the corners. This guy had stopped a little forward of the lights (on red) and pushed the motorbike (well, C90) he was riding on to it's central stand. I noticed he'd left it in gear as the rear wheel was spinning slowly with the engine ticking over. He faffed around with something bikely, and then got centred on the bike and ready for the lights.

    As I started to react to what I could see happening the lights changed, and sure enough, he gunned the engine, pushed forward of the stand, and then popped a wheelie as the by-now rapidly spinning rear wheel hit the tarmac. Went all the way back and hit its tail-lights - never thought I'd see a C90 smash its rear-light doing a wheelie. I have to say he did well getting it go down forwards rather than on top of him or to one side or other.

    But that was about it as far as interesting things. Just that in Field-Service Overseer only know hours of it. It could only have been worse if I were a woman, as then having the wind blow up my skirt would have only added to my misery.

    But it would be fun if Wal-Mart banned Witness's using their property like that. Problem is the Dubbies, bless their clueless little cotton socks, would take the 'Persecution' as a sign they were right.

  • delilah

    Did they have a jar for donations on that table?

  • SarahLynne

    Looks like those table/display set ups are more and more common. Easy, lazy way to count hours and hours. They have them at the DMV here.

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