JWs and the lack of high emotional states

by Lady Lee 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    I guess maybe not having emtions makes it easy to not listen to your heart. Maybe not having emotions cuts us off from ourselves and makes us easier to control.

    excellent point. They do so much to tell us to listen to our "Bible" trained conscience. I don't recall them saying a lot about the heart though - or maybe I just forgot that part.


    I found i was always followed by fear's little sister; guilt

    so true - and yet one more way to control people


    Here's part of the emotion-suppression propaganda:

    ***w93 8/15 p. 22 par. 19 Let Your Self-Control Exist and Overflow ***

    We have dealt primarily with one aspect of self-control, controlling our emotions. And that is a key area because failure to control our emotions can lead to losing control of our tongue, our sexual impulses, our eating habits, and many others aspects of life where we must display self-control. (1 Corinthians 7:8, 9; James 3:5-10) Take courage, though, for you can improve in maintaining self-control.

    Yup there it is in black and white. Is it any wonder JWs walk around in some numbed out state of emotion. I remember being at a witness dinner at some one's home. They men were all in the living room watching a sport on TV and I vaguely remember someone saying they were getting too excited for their own good.


    where is one of those dull ugly song books when you need it

    We had a professional opera singer in our cong. Even she couldn't make those songs come alive.


    When a child is born - no real joy because that means one more person to try to get through the persecution before the end comes."

    One of the worst and most stupid sentences I've ever seen - having the nerve to print that I never felt joy when my children were born. Wow! What psychic High Priestess do we have here!

    I'm not sure if you meant this the way I read it but I'll tell you a couple of little stories.

    When I got pregnant at the end of 1971, my mother told me I was foolish to have children in "this old system of things" when the end was so near and we all had to worry about the persecutiuon that was sure to come before 1975. She wasn't the only one to make this statement. Having babies in the early 70s was a terrible no-no and reeked of irresponsibility.

    Despite the negativity I was shamelessly proud of my baby - possibly bordering on obsessiveness. After years of sexual abuse and being told I would never do anything right, having this baby went a long way towards breaking down the belifes that there was something truly bad and imperfect about me. This beautiful child had come from me. In my mind and heart it was the most wonderful thing I had ever done.

    A few years ago a Christian friend of mine and her husband became pregnant with their first child. I was in awe of how the entire extended family and friends looked forward to the impending birth. This as yet unborn child was loved before she was born. It was by far the most beautiful and loving way to welcome any child into the world.

    And it was a far far cry from how JWs welcome their children into the world.


    Wow, after reading that, I'm beginning to wonder if I grew up in a JW home. I grew up in a highly emotional environment. And, it wasn't a problem in my cong if we cried at funerals. We were also emotionally involved in the field work. We loved those dear, doomed worldly people and just had to wake them up at 9:00 in the morning to tell them so
    First, I miss your lovely avatar. There are always exceptions to any rule. You must have got one of the better families I must admit though that my family did have one emotion that was used constantly - anger - everywhere, all the time with no regard for who got hurt along the way.
    I wonder how much the elders influence the emotional atmosphere of the cong. More serious congreg would reflect more serious elders and the more relaxed elders would be reflected in a more relaxed cong. And since I have been "out" for over 20 years I wonder if the WTS tightening the screws to hoild people to a tighter rule over the last few years?
  • TheOldHippie

    Your comment does even more for me to justify my comment. You in short write that your mother = all JWs. Because YOUR MOTHER said such a stupid thing, you state that ALL JWs state the same thing. I understand that you are angry, and perhaps you are right in so being, but please do not extend your anger to include all JWs. I am personally indeed offended at your evil remarks. I know there are a lot of stupid persons in the JW community, but there are a lot of wonderful people as well, and therefore claiming that no JW feels joy at the birth of a child or grandchild is nothing but stupid.

    I'll control my anger and stop here.

  • wednesday


    hello, i have been on baord since 02 . I have generally read your posts.

    I don't think LL remarks were evil, as much as you feel her remarks were unkind to lump all jws in one pile, it is unkind to call her evil for making one statement you do not agree with. If you disagree with her, it is always best and certainly christlike to show kindess and show her by your remarks that indeed not all jws are cold and uncaring, and site some examples. I feel you have over-reacted here. no need for extreme anger. I have heard many jws make very simailar remrks tot LL mother. while they are not evil, they do seem to lack the natural joy that familes should feel when a child is born. Also, some of the most horible things i have seen involved babies born to pregnant jws sisters who were unmarried. the sheer meanes and lack of caring was stunning.

    I don't think all jws are cold and uncaring, and years ago it did seem they were more caring. But in the last 20 or so years it has gotten pretty frosty inside jw land.

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