We may need to set up a suicide prevention system for jws.Ideas?????
Another JW Suicide
by orangefatcat 40 Replies latest jw friends
i also had many problems with suicidal tendancies. the worst blow was when my sister started seeing this worldly guy and went through a rough time deciding what to do about it. she told me later that she had some suicidal thoughts because of all the guilt she had from it and not being able to be happy with someone and be a J-dub at the same time. that got me mad enough to realize how unhealthy the jw's realy are... aoxo
They do have a prevetion against sucide. You attempt suicide, you get disfellowshipped.
because Jehovah would be disappointed if they used the hall ...
The "HALL" has taken on more importance then the people or anything else on earth. It's ok to have a funeral anywhere ELSE under god just not in the hall. -
Wheres the google ads on this thread. Thought you'd be able to get suicide at kelkoo or ebay.
sorry - just thought I would lighten such a harsh subject.
Wasanelder Once,
I know that it is not healthy to blame others including the organisation for suicide. I do believe that they must take some responsibility for the unhealthy attitudes toward seeking professional help like psychiatrists.
Just before I da'd this last time, I was getting councelling for depression. The elders came to visit me because they were concerned that I may be getting unhealthy advice from my councelor. They told me that I should be careful and that the society doesn't recommend this type of thing unless it is really necessary. On top of that they told me " You need to be careful what you say so as not to put Jehovah's Witnesses in a bad light".
I felt GUILTY for making a healthy choice! With my long history of depression, I wonder if they classified my case as minor and were waiting for me to actually commit suicide before it would have been acceptable for me to get help.
Why is it that after the fact, when it's really too late, the society recognizes that some need this help? Why is it that my family (I know mine isn't the only one) were not happy to seek professional help for me when I clearly needed it?
This is why I do believe the society should shoulder much responsibility for the mental state of people in the congregations. The ones that have a chemical balance or an inheritance factor is not their fault, but if they are discouraging these ones from getting the professional help they need then YES they are responsible for the end result. The ones like myself that don't have a chemical imbalance or an inheritance factor that could easily have been helped with some councelling, but because of the societys dislike for psychiatrists couldn't get the help needed, again YES the society is responsible for the end result.
I don't hold the society responsible for me anymore because I finally took on responsibility for my own life and health. The result from that choice is that I lost my WHOLE family. I do hold the society responsible for that part though.
This is another sad story, I understand he fell in front of a passing train, but the JWs will object by saying, how do we know that his suicide was caused by the WTS and that there are people commiting suicide in all societies.
Was he disfellowshipped or otherwise intensely psychologically pressured by the JWs? -
Work of WT org is really evil.
I had depression problems when I was active JW, but 98% of my depression problems disappeared after I didn't go to kingdom hall anymore. Last 2% are for army and my parents who are not happy about my decisions. But still, I'm happier than ever before and it is because I don't have to pretend to believe to Society's CRAP.
When I was really depressed, I thought lot about suicide and sometimes I was even close to attend but I had luck and nothing happened to me... others are not so lucky :( -
so sorry.
So sad for his family. So sad that he didn't find the help he needed in the one place he was told to put all his trust.
Living in an unnatural high pressure environment, and all cultic organisations put their members in such environments, can create serious psychological problems in the more vulnerable people there.