Black Sheep - Thanks. I shall be keeping that quote.
Actually, I've been thinking about some of the thoughts expressed on this thread. I've come to the conclusion that it's really all a matter of personal experience and that you cannot generalise. It's neither fair to blame the parents or fair to blame the children. Evey circumstance is different.
As an example - When I had my first child, the labout was an horrific nightmare.
When I had my second child, he popped out like a pea. Nothing much to it.
Now, if I'd gone by my first experience, I would have considered that All women suffere horrifically in child birth.
If I'd gone by my second experience only, I would have considered that those who had complained about terrible births were just exaggerating and wanting attention.
My experiences taught me that anything can happen and no one is necessarily to blame.
Now, Lowden has some reasonably good kids. Not perfect, but he finds that he's not ready to say anything unpleasant about them, and fair enough. Perhaps his kids are the average, pleasant, slightly rebellious kids some people get....and good for him.
However, some of us have total bastards for kids. I know, apart from the partial JW upbringing, that we treat, and treated all our children very well. Though I'm sure we haven't done a perfect job. Who does?
So, our kids get to make choices just as we do. They may chose to be good, or goodish....and they may chose to be total shits.
If you have one who choses to be a total shit....well heaven help you, because you're going to need it!
When they start to get aggressive, and blame every stupid decision that THEY have made on YOU, then you're really in trouble.
Why should you be afraid of your child? Because some of them chose to be monsters and mess up their own and your life.
It's not fair to say that kids are bad because of their parents. Evidence does not back this up.
We forget they have their own minds and their own choices.