Hi, am relatively new on here, so haven`t seen any postings about how much the society is worth, but would really be interested to know. What i can`t understand is what they are doing stockpiling money, when they could give some to the poor bro`s in Africa etc. give to poor pioneers, and hard up ones in congregations. ( that`s what most charities do) I mean, if they are expecting the big A, why would they need so much in the kitty. Obviously they need some to cover expenses, but they are receiving more donations every day, and there is no way they are spending it. If A came tomorrow, all that money would be worthless, as they wouldn`t have anywhere to use it, so why are they keeping hold of it? Makes you wonder, doesn`t it?
How much is the Watchtower worth?
by dido 31 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I don't know for sure but they are in the Top 40 of NYC Businesses.
I mean, if they are expecting the big A, why would they need so much in the kitty. Obviously they need some to cover expenses, but they are receiving more donations every day, and there is no way they are spending it. If A came tomorrow, all that money would be worthless, as they wouldn`t have anywhere to use it, so why are they keeping hold of it? Makes you wonder, doesn`t it?
They aren't expecting it because they don't believe it. Armageddon is just a scare tactic to keep the JW's nibbling on the wilted 'Paradise' carrot.
Does the wts own all the kingdumb halls and the associated property that they are sitting on? I bet that the holdings world wide are staggering.
Yeah, i read recently that Australia had $6000.000 in their kitty!
kool aid man
All of the corporations owned by the Watchtower have combined totals of over a billion dollars--that's Billions with a B. Because Watchtower is not really a religion but, really a business, they need to keep the money flowing, not just for business expenses, but to satisfy their stockholders. Just the property holdings alone are incredible. But, unlike the Catholic church and other religions, they are not CHARITABLE, 'but CHEAP! But, like other corrupt businesses, they will one day come tumbling down! Any active, lurking J.W's here, take the advice of your own N.W.T.--" GET OUT OF HER, MY PEOPLE, IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO SHARE WITH HER IN HER SINS, AND YOU DO NOT WANT TORECEIVE PART OF HER PLAGUES. Rev. 18 :4 NWT .
Yes this is a super rich multinational corporation and what they do with their money is very revealing, as Dido implies the way they go about this issue shows that they don't believe that there is going to be an armageddon any time soon.
Otherwise why hoard so much money when the end is so near, and why not help poor and loyal JWs pass their last years in this oppressive world with some alleviation of their misery. After all this would be the best way to preach to the world about how lofty and spiritual jehovah's only chosen organisation is. -
Otherwise why hoard so much money when the end is so near, and why not help poor and loyal JWs pass their last years in this oppressive world with some alleviation of their misery. After all this would be the best way to preach to the world about how lofty and spiritual jehovah's only chosen organisation is. Greendawn- that is exactly what they should be doing, spot on.
The reason for them amassing so much wealth as did the Catholic Church for years is - they want to fulfill the Scriptures by throwing their gold and silver in the streets at the end, and plead to the mountains, "fall over us." And a big voice will thunder, "scrooge bastards; eat crap, and die!"
Hi Dido, Bubble here, how are you?
I would love to know the answer to that question too. Having recently visited New York I was staggered to see how much property the JW's actually own. It's worth millions and millions. That's just their real estate, I'd love to know how much they've got in the 'bank' too!! -
I remember when I was still a Dub, I was in a book study group where two pioneers had just got married and went on their honeymoon to Brooklyn and the Watchtower farm. THey came back with the most amazing stories of how OPULENT it all was. They thought it was great, but I remember thinking how outrageous I thought it was - chandaliers worth thousands of dollars, carpets, rooms, buildings, land. It was ALL materialistic.
I remember feeling very unspiritual because I was ONLY a publisher and I was very sceptial about all these riches. After all if a regular pioneer was impressed with it all, it MUST be spiritual. I was secretly fuming though. It seemed so wrong.