(Indeed, in some ways a case can be made that they are happier because of their faith: they suffer less negative effects of destructive behavior such as drug addiction, promiscuity; they experience less anomie in the face of an ever-changing world; they experience less alienation due to their strong group bonding; etc.)
I thought the parentheses indicated a minor tack-on, but this is (if my guess is correct) what you considered the main point of the paragraph. If that is right, I still failed to address it.
I would ask two questions: (1) Were you ever an elder for any length of time? (2) Were you the child of a PO, SO, or CS?
If not, I have to disqualify your assessment on the grounds of complete ignorance. Judicial Committees are secret and, although you may believe otherwise, the gossip mill doesn't contain a tenth of the whole. I feel pretty confident that you were neither, but that you might have been the child of an elder. Now, I agree that such behaviors are kept more secret, however I disagree with your reinforcement of one of their most closely held self-delusions: The Moral Rectitude of God's Organization. It is a fabrication that has never existed among Jehovah's Witnesses. In fact, it has never existed in the form the JWs cleave to among any "Christian" religion.