by Elsewhere 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robdar

    No, Robdar Nexflix the Lost Season 1 DVDs, and as soon as they are out get Season 2. You won't be sorry.
    Dude, "Lost" has been out for 2 seasons?! Hehe, I just got back from my tour of the universe and I guess I need to catch up on the latest pop culture.

    Thanks for the info. I'll try to rent them soon.

  • Gerard
    P retty good series, for American producers.

    What's up with that? Jealous of the fact that American TV finally made a TV series that rivals, and in some cases is better than anything on Euro-vision?

    I did not mean to snub the show, I meant that most american TV is about how Pretty Boy kicks Bad Guy's ass and keeps The Girl and live happily ever-after.

    I'm not crazy about smoke-monsters eating pilots, and trashing trees but this series, has an element of unknown and human unpredictability that is quite unusual to the typical american prime TV formula.


  • Gerard
    Dude, "Lost" has been out for 2 seasons?!

    Yes, when I discovered it and liked it, they were already broadcasting the 2nd season, I rented the first immediately (probably cheaper to buy it), anyway, on the final DVD were several interviews and the producers/writters said they have already sketched what will happen in "the first 5 seasons".

    By the way, what's your favorite character? Kate is cute to watch but I like the role and acting skills of Sawyer.

  • Athanasius

    The two guys in the Arctic/Antarctic were not speaking Russian. I watched the episode with my fiancee who is Russian, and she said they were not speaking Russian, not even the bad Russian typical of American actors trying to impersonate Russians. My fiancee thought the two guys might be speaking Romanian, which is also a Romance language.

  • magoo

    ..........all i want to know is who shot jr ?


  • Gerard

    Wasn't that Libby at the airport who gave the sailboat to Desmond as a gift?

    The Pearl hatch (obseravtion hatch) was empty, (judging by the dust acumulated) could it be that their operators (Dharma employees) abandoned it and became The Others? But since the food drops by parachute continue, the Dharma initiative continues.

    Where is Jack's father? the coffin was closed but empty.

    What is the black smoke monster? Losties with strong religious faith (Eko & Loke) were not chewed to pieces like it did to the pilot. Rose is also quite religious and has had no contact with it but refused to set an SOS signal and seems very comfortable in the island.

  • Gerard
    A lot of scientists and free-thinkers got together to do a lot of different kinds of research: psychiatry, zoology - and remember that with the zoology of the film you saw some polar bears. It's possible there were some animal aggression studies going on there, as well as human psychology experiments and a whole variety of other things. The Dharma Initiative was founded by two peacenik Grad students who were trying to get to the bottom of a lot of mysteries about human behavior. There are six bunkers on the island, and they were devoted to a lot of different kinds of research. That's going to open up a lot of different avenues for us to tease you with what the kind of research was, and how it's evolved now that the Dharma Initiative seems to have fallen into disrepair. A lot has happened on the island and the Dharma Initiative is just the tip of the iceberg... Source: The Official Lost Magazine, Issue 2, Jan/Feb 2006
  • Finally-Free

    I have no idea what you people are talking about.

    And you people have no idea how happy that makes me.


  • daystar
    I have no idea what you people are talking about.

    And you people have no idea how happy that makes me.

    It's always inspiring to see someone contributing something meaningful to a conversation.

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