Are you internet dependent?

by greendawn 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    Are you dependent on the internet? How bad would you be or feel if you suddenly lost your internet connection?

    I use it for work, to talk with people through skype, download music and films, e-mail, forums, and instant messengers, and finding info of all sorts.

    I can't imagine life without it. It's work, social life, entertainment, and education.

  • crazies

    Very very dependant. I have to have it for work, plus for my business I'm starting up (which is a web-based business--kinda need it for that) and I don't know if I could live without it for leisure!

  • mrsjones5

    ok ok I admit it...I'm a internet junkie. I've gone cold turkey before but I keep going back. I can't stop!

  • ballistic

    I wouldn't say dependent as I find when I go on holiday I don't miss it at all. However that doesn't mean I'm not constantly plugged in when at home.

  • under_believer

    Totally dependent for everyday living. I do mean EVERYTHING. Not addicted, I mean I can go camping or on vacation without my computer, or whatever, but it has become a primary tool of my life.

  • JH

    I read my International news on the internet every day

    I chat with my best friend on MSN every day.

    I've become addicted to it and dependent of it.

    Losing the internet would be like losing my best friend.

  • greendawn

    Internet is a very powerful tool that can improve the quality of one's life and the good thing is that with the modern TFT LCD screens the eyes don't tire nearly as easily as with the old CRT screens.

    Some people really enjoy playing games on line.

  • JH
    LCD screens the eyes don't tire nearly as easily as with the old CRT screens

    I don't agree. Although LCD never flickers, and looks great, I hate the native resolution that it operates on. I'M a 800 x 600 resolution person. I like reading big enough. If the fonts are too small, like in 1280 x 1024 resolution which LCD screens use, I strain my eyes.

    So I rather CRT monitors much more than LCD. If LCD's had a native resolution of 800 x 600, then I'd love have one.

    Oh, and my eyes are never tired with a CRT monitor. With a LCD screen, with tiny fonts, I see blured after when I walk away from the computer.....

  • greendawn

    JH I also prefer the 800x600 resolution and that is what I have got on my 15 inch TFT screen, it's perfect for the distance I read from. As for the CRTs I suppose the latest ones are high frequency flicker free ones but most people nowadays have stopped using them.

  • ballistic

    Quickest refresh rate is from CRT, us gamers are still using them.

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